
How come women tail gate so bad? Is it because they feel like they are big and bad with a car?

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I have been rear ended by women 3 times and so have some of my friends? Why don't women understand that you can't drive so fast up behind a car and expect it will stop right away?




  1. It is because they are always in a hurry :)

  2. Its not just the women. I dont drive slow but I tend to get tail gated a lot.. mostly by men.

    A friend of mine was rear ended by a lady driver. She found a spider hanging in front of her nose and got so scared she forgot to brake. I dont like spiders either.

  3. I think most people don't actually realize the danger involved in tailgaiting.  I travel at 58 mph (in a 55 -- i know i have a thing about just pushing the line a little, but i try to be respectful, i actually go 30, 40, 45 in marked areas) and I can't tell you how often in bad weather at night I get people running up my rear.  I have driven these roads for 15 years, and this time of year many of the drivers are tourists.

    If I have to brake because there is a deer in front of me, the person behind me will NOT have the time to stop and will rear end me.  and will at least emotionally damage my child.  that right there makes me really mad.  I dont care if it is a man, woman, or jesus christ get off my BUTT!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Actually you just have bad luck.

    According to (NHTSA) men tailgate more and it is due to speeding and aggressive driving..

  5. and I have been driving since 56 and have never been rear ended. maby it is something you are doing<

  6. Its because they are looking back beating there kids. Its hard to watch the road and throw your toddler around. Lol  

  7. I get tailgated by just as many men as I do women. I think it may be just a coincidence that you have been rear ended by women 3 times. I have actually been rear ended 3 times myself. The first one was by a man in a sports car that apparently didn't realize that a stop sign actually means stop because he rear ended me when I came to a stop at a stop sign. He claimed that he was not paying attention. The second time I was rear ended by a man in a big full size pickup that apparently thought if he rode my bumper close enough I would some how go faster and he hit me when I slowed down to avoid hitting a car that pulled out in front of me. He claimed that he was just in a hurry to get some where. I hope he learned that speeding and tailgating people will not always get him to his destination on time. The third one actually was a women that had been tailgating me for about a 1/2 mile and when I slowed down for a red traffic light she hit me. She claimed she got distracted by her son that was sitting in the back seat.  

  8. same reasions men tailgate

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