
How come you can't drink on cruises if you are married?

by  |  earlier

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I am going on a cruise to jamacia and the grand cayman island and was wondering if anyone knew how come you can't drink on the royal caribean cruise if your under 21 or have a parent there to sign a waiver as long as you are 18, but you can't if you are married? I noticed on their website that you can and then closer to the bottom that the rules where changed to what i stated above? Does anyone think that this is really stupid other than me???




  1. i've never heard of this before .. and I crusie a few times a year.... all i can suggest is contact a customer rep and ask.. altho i'm over 21 i'd like to know the answer to that.... sounds odd to me .. congrats on the upcoming marriage.... i was married at 18..and still married to the same man.

  2. I think drinking age is 21. If u r under 21...WHY R U MARRIED??????

  3. My best guess on that particular rule might be (and this is just a guess) that when unmarried and having your parent sign for you, that is an adult (well over legal drinking age) who is taking responsibility for your drinking and behavior. If married but under 21, the assumption may be that your spouse is likely to be close to your age, and thus not a "responsible adult" with regard to being able to 'okay' you to drink underage andyour parent no longer has guardianship of you after marriage...thus there is no older, mature adult to take responsibility of you or for you, while you are drinking.

    That may or may not be off base, but I wouldn't be surprised if that was their line of thinking. I'd say, if you are under 21 you aren't any worse off than you'd be anywhere in the US with regard to not being allowed to drink so it shouldn't be a big deal...but those who can get a parent to sign for them get a little bonus. (even if it doesn't seem fair)

  4. The drinking age is 21. You should feel lucky to be able to go beacuse as I have read you have to be 25 to get on a cruise unless you are married. Many of the cruise lines state one 25 year old can bring one age 21 min. if under 25 you need to produce your marriage certificate and drivers license. Why would drinking be such a big thing to you on a cruise? If you can't buy at home why would you think you will be served on a ship? These servers are responsible for minors!! It's the law.

  5. I don't understand your question.. Read it again and make sure you are asking what you want to.  I think maybe one of your cant's should be a can or something??  

    I think that legal drinking age is just legal drinking age, no matter if your married or not. I'm not sure about  the fact that you will be in international waters and stuff though.  

    Sorry I couldn't be more help..

    Have a blast on your cruise, and congrats.

  6. Because they follow the laws of the country they are flagged in.

  7. Muat have to do with the liquor license issued in international waters.

    if you got hurt, injured and had alcohol in the blood, they would lose the license to sell liquor and you could sue them.

    There must be a legal reason for this policy

  8. Well last I heard if you are under 21 you cannot drink period, married or not

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