
How come you don't see any midget or dwarf jockeys?

by  |  earlier

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also it's not like it takes any brains to become a jockey you just need to be shrimpie. why not train a spider monkey to be a jockey?




  1. Pound for pound, jockeys are the best athletes in the world. Why don't you give it a try?

  2. Excuse me,but it does take brains to be a jockey.They have to be smart and athletic.They know and understand horses and they have a tough life.Not just anybody can do this. I would love to tell you what I think of you,but it isn't allowed.

  3. I suppose it is possible for dwarves to be a jockey since they would theoretically make the weight limits. However, it is not the height, per se, that is a requirement to be a jockey. It is that you need to weigh pretty close to 100 pounds and most tall people can't manage that. It is easier to be light when you are shorter. In addition, many people with dwarfism have a lot of health issues that might not be compatible with  demanding sports.

    Also, being a jockey takes quite a bit of skill. Have you ever tried to control a 1200 pound animal while perched on its back at 45 miles per hour? The jockey has to think and react quickly to match his horse's abilities and strengths to what is going on around him. It isn't a job a  monkey could do. Otherwise, why not let the horses just race around the track themselves?

  4. I'd like to add this to the other answers.A jockey has to read things happening in front of him next to him and behind him.He then has to anticipate what his next moves will be.You have to have some smarts to do that.Also I doubt dwarves could become strong enough due to their physical infirmities.If you don't think jockey's are strong try arm wrestling one of them some day.

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