
How come you guys are all voting for...?

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McCain, Obama or Hillary?

Did you know that they are all members of the Council on Foreign Relations?

Did you know that they want to merge the U.S. with Mexico and Canada to form a "North American Union", similar to the EU?

Are you guys all ready to become part of this Union?

Do you really like your country? The USA? Not the NAU?

And please don't insult my intelligence by responding saying, "That's not really happening... it's just a conspiracy theory." And don't use SNOPES as your source of info. Go to the Council on Foreign Relations own website ( ), and type, "North American Union" into the search bar. Look at all the speeches and writings on the subject. Look at their plans. WAKE UP.




  1. 1) THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS THE NORTH AMERICAN UNION.  It's a conspiracy theory and there is NO PLAN for an amero.

    2) I don't want to vote for Ron Paul because the more I read the more I DON'T like him.

  2. Just because they are voting for it doesn't mean that it will happen.  Anway who else would you like us to be voting for...Nadar?

  3. i wouldnt mind being in the NAU

    it would solve the immigration problem

    and i wouldnt need a passport anymore to visit my family in canada

  4. let me break the ice

  5. Okay so who do you suggest we vote for?

  6. omg whatever u need some help

  7. Hey, I heard they also all own bonsai kittens and eat puppies for breakfast.


  9. will never happen!

  10. why do you even care? and who else is there to vote for?

  11. i hate america

    bring on the brits


  12. I knew the NAU was more than possible amongst the

    months I spent wondering if the Gov could possibly have

    had implanted a bug into me during surgery!  Verichip to

    be precise!  Long story short.  Fully automated digitized

    taxation is slavery.   And of the big-3,  I happen to find

    Obama as having the toughest time foisting "this" onto

    the public!   Think of the noise-for it is KEY!

    Obama followers are just plain noisy!  It will be silence

    that constructs our end!   And for the record--i like Paul too!

    And the advantages others speak of are derived from

    our US Military and Intelligence bolstering our supposed

    competition over-seas.  Think of it!  We need to end the

    US in order to compete with the EU?  Yet we enhance

    the EU by increasing it's access to cheap labor by way

    of the Balkans?   THAT'S TREASON FOLKS!

    And some more salty-food for thought.  The planet is over-

    populated!   This is beyond debate!  With all the ethnic-

    cleansing,civil war,famine and disease going arround-

    the planet is still being over populated!  The world peace

    (supposed) that will come by way of handing the planet

    over to the Rockefeller's and Rothschild's will result

    in a baby-boom the planet has never seen before!

    Question: WHO GETS TO PLAY GOD?

    And what will the Rockefeller/Rothschild World Constitution

    look like?  1st Ammd,2nd Ammd....?

  13. The union doesnt mean BAD son..

    the US will be dominant of course, the US will just be like a "friend with benefits" to Canada and Mexico.. nothin to worry about foo

  14. I'm glad to see that SOMEONE besides me knows what's up.  Too bad the masses will stay asleep though.

  15. That's not really happening... it's just a conspiracy theory

  16. Wtf?

  17. Right now, there are no other options, to throw a vote at an independent candidate is the same as throwing your vote in the garbage. I was under the impression that the NAU is more of a new trade agreement which can't be any worse than NAFTA.. If we can give support to Canada and Mexico, they will support us. The borders will be more secure and we won't have Mexicans illegal working here and driving the money out of the American economy, and we won't have Canadians coming over dragging illegal drugs with them

  18. Shut up


    This is real! And it is not GOOD! Ignorance is completley overwhelming that the ones on here are just either denying it or not taking it seriously! Don't you people know that the NAU would end up pushing us into a One World Government????

    You will answer to world judges, not America's!!!! Gosh, people just really need to wake up and pay attention to the events going on around them!!!

  20. Great question.  I totally agree.  But, you need to research a bit further, and if you research enough you will find that the CFR is not even close to the top of the hierarchy or pyramid.  The Illuminati controls the CFR and other groups like them.  *sm*

  21. Oh, it's well known that there's not much difference between the candidates; that they all want give up this country's sovereignty to Mexico and Canada.  I know that they want to make a currency similar to the Euro called the "Amero."  I will not vote for either of the three.

  22. Well, to be honest with all that is happening I'm not sure it would be a bad Idea. We wouldnt have a border dispute anymore. The mexicans wouldnt have american companies taking advantage of them for lower wage jobs, we would be free to travel without having a passport. all of the gained revenue as one would be enough between the governments to come up with newer energy sources. More trade would be possible and we would be able to exclude the dependancy on foreign oil even more. But, I'm also not sure if you are getting at this theory trying to say that its the mark of the beast or something? Many things may or will happen but, do we really have a choice in the matter??? I dont think so!!!

  23. I can appreciate your desire to think outside the box, however, barring something unprecedented, one of those three people will be the next President of the United States.

    Sometimes it's about choosing the best of the available options if (in your case) you're not especially impressed with any of them.

  24. McCain, Obama and Hillary are the only ones left. One of them are going to be the President. Sorry.

  25. are you one of ron pauls 16 delegates?

  26. plans are nothing to worry about, execution of them is..wont happen

  27. Thank you so very much for this insight.

    I had no idea.

    I have been very upset with the way things are going with this presidential election.

    It's totally pathetic.

    There is not one decent person to vote for and I hate it this way.

    h**l, I might as well vote for Mobey d**k.

  28. I'm a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. It's the biggest "think tank" in that field. Your NAU rant is pure mule muffins. It's been debunked and is just another myth born out of some radio talk show host who is trying to boost his ratings through attracting more gullible souls to his broadcasts.

    Yes, there have been articles published in "Foreign Affairs" dealing with different economic arrangements between the nations of North America. Just as certain military journals deal with contingencies like the U.S invading Canada or other nations in the hemisphere which pose no current danger to us.

    There are members of the CFR who also think that the European Union was a colossal blunder because the nations involved tried to achieve economic and monetary union before achieving political union.

    The simple facts of the nations in North America is that Canada still has a number of "crown corporations". Businesses which are operated by the government. Mexico is just beginning to emerge from over seven decades of a Marxist economy under the leadership of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI). Trying to merge those two economies with ours into a single entity is the geo-political version of herding cats!

  29. McCain

  30. oh, so you want your vote not to count then?  good for you.

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