
How come you have to pay?

by  |  earlier

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How come you have to pay an extra 25 cents to get something put onto your hamburger but you don't pay a reduced price if you get something off?




  1. Simply because you are asking for an extra food item that the restaurant is using. If you hold it, they save it for another customer. They want to make profit on all food consumed. Makes sense to me.

  2. because nothing's free. sometimes you can substitute tho, depending on the restaurant (no lettuce, add extra pickles ;) ).

  3. I have a problem with this situation as well. Taco Bell is the worst in my opinion. I always order a meximelt with no meat, just cheese and pico, and still get charged for more than the price of a burrito.  It's ridiculous, so I just don't go to fast food places unless I absolutely have no choice.

  4. I know that is really funny. you would think they would let yiou get another topping added because you choose to get one taken off. At least that is what I would do.

  5. I find that stupid,they should charge 25 cents for both..

  6. In the restaurant business they call the "bottom line".(money)

  7. Cause thats their way of saying set price for the product, no deductions.

  8. i don't know but a good question that ha always puzzled me?!?!?!

  9. and that will not change unless you raise the issue with the restaurant. good point.

    I picture a silly scenario:

    There is enough stock for making a hamburger in a certain way.

    You ask for omission, what happens with those extras?

    gets thrown away?

    No they still charge you for it whether you want it or not.

    Example: There are exactly 5 buns, five hamburger pates, five slices of tomatoes, 5 slices of cheese, 5 slices of onions.

    You do not want the onion or tomato. Now they are left over with no hamburger to go with. What happens with those extras? Go to waste, when they could have generated even a small amount of money?

  10. labour charges.

  11. Yes, you are right.  The salads at the drive-thrus are not any cheaper if you bet them to leave the chicken off.

  12. They might already have it made and its easy to take something out but hard to put it back in. But it is stupid!

  13. tell me about it.

    i get burgers plain. no ketchup. no mayo. no veggies. no NOTHING



    and bbq sauce.

  14. its quite shocking aint it?

  15. that`s life just there to make money out of us all and they always win

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