
How comes they are deporting one man; When every plane that lands at Bangkok airport contains s*x tourists?

by Guest34252  |  earlier

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With the intention of exploiting under age children for there sexual gratification. I am in no way condoning mr Gads actions, chop his balls off Along with the thousands of s*x tourist that frequent the bars of Pattaya.




  1. I'm sure not all s*x tourists are after children

  2. He was in transit from Vietnam. He has not been deported from Thailand and the Thai's will not grant him a visa to stay. They know he is a rapist who preys on children.

    Until the s*x offenders (different to a man seeking another adult for s*x in Thailand eg: s*x Tourist)  land & offend there, there is not a lot the Thai Authorities can do. Unless they are known paedophiles / s*x offenders coming in, where they can be refused entry. This is a perfect reason as to why Paedophiles & other s*x offenders should have their passports confiscated.

    Paul Gadd (AKA Gary Glitter) has been released early from jail on condition that he is deported from Vietnam back to the UK .

    Good on the Thai's for booting him out too. At least they are protecting some from him, if he were to be allowed to roam free.

    Why didn't he just get a plane straight into Saudi Arabia or somewhere middle east. Why Thailand???? Because he thought he'd be able to get free and I bet he has been dreaming and dribbling over getting there - To rape a kid.

    Most s*x workers in Thailand are not kids. A lot are, but there are also 1000's of grown up men and women selling s*x .

  3. Yes, I went to Pattaya and found it disgusting with all the old men walking around with young Thai girls, but they did seem to be over 16 years old.  Glitter went with 13 year olds, and that is much worse.  

  4. Like Katt, I think your exaggerting a little.  I'm sure they stop known paedos whenever they can.  Maybe the question should by why don't they do more to crack down on the s*x trade in Thailand?  But I think the answer will come down to money.

  5. I am sure you are not wrong many of them do carry these people, but he is the only one we know about for sure what a sorry state the world is in.

  6. I don't think that you can assume that everybody going to Bangkok is there to look for s*x. It is a very beautiful place it's just unfortunate that the s*x industry over there has no regulation. Hopefully this will change in  the not too distant future. It is wrong that children are exploited in this way

  7. Hey Good people...i'm lost...are you protesting here or discussing and clearing your doubts here....!!!

  8. he is a convicted s*x offender

    that's why  

  9. innocent until proven guilty,  you cant tar everyone with the same brush just because they fly to the same part of the world.

  10. Because they need the money that these anonymous s*x tourists bring with them, but they certainly don't need the bad publicity that a very high profile offender like Mr. Glitter would generate.

    I think they take the view that as long as it's kept "hush hush", it's fine. Note that the Cambodian authorities were quite happy to have Glitter there as long as nobody knew about it, but as soon as the British tabloids picked up his scent he was kicked out pretty sharpish. If he hadn't been found out I'm sure he would still be living the high life there today, flashing his wallet around and procuring young girls left, right, and centre.

    Childhood innocence, and indeed human life, are simply not valued as highly in third world nations as they are in the west. Social darwinism rules, and hard cash is king.

    It would be very naive to suggest that the majority of s*x tourists are only interested in sexual activity with persons over the age of consent. Why fly to Thailand unless it's for something you can't get back home? And do those individuals who use prostitutes always ask for ID before filling their boots? Come on, let's be realistic here.

  11. They are deporting him because the whole world now knows he's a paedophile, and also the whole world is watching. Secondly you cannot generalise and say all planes that land at Bangkok airport have paedophiles on them.

    There are a percentage of the male population in this world that make their way to foreign parts to abuse or take advantage of the girls plying s*x because they are poor, but there are, I am sure far, far more doing these vile things in their own homes, in their own town, in their own country and do it for years without being detected. That is by far

    much more dangerous.

    Girls and boys being abused in foreign countries like Thailand do it because they need to eat (they may or may not have a choice) those in countries like UK, etc, America are groomed for it (most of the time) and to me that is a far worse crime, to take a child into your confidence, so they trust you implicitly and then you abuse that trust. Those abusers should suffer much more for their crimes.

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