
How comes we don't see baby pigeons

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i just wont to know.thanks




  1. Because they're in nests usually high up in buildings where people can't see or just don't look.

    Or maybe, pigeons are born full adults. I think that is more likely myself.  

  2. Because I live in California. I don't see pigeons where I live. Just seagulls

  3. I think the baby's are just really big and we think they are grown up birds.

  4. because for most if not all of their childhood, they are in their nest's, and rarely seen by anyone excpet for their mothers, by the time they are a couple months old, they are already as big as their mother and can't tell if they are babies anymore! and even if they are still babies and know how to fly, they stil prefer to stay in trees because they are weak and can't fly, long distances. hope i helped!!!

  5. because they mature incredibly fast.

  6. My friend just found one that fell out of the nest and she is taking care of it in her home.  She named him Walter ...his mother was no where to be found so she didn't want to leave him to die awww  

  7. We do, they come out when they are 6 weeks old.

    They look like normal pidgeons but if you look in this picture...

    you see the white bit above the beak, well the bigger this is they older the pidgeon is, notice how this picture...

    The pigeon has a smaller white bit.

  8. They're in nests.. pigeons just tend to hide them better than other birds. Back when the world was wild, pigeons were cliff-dwellers, so they've adapted and now hide their nests in the crevices on buildings and such. They also only lay one or two eggs at a time.

  9. becuase they grow up in friggin nests man!

  10. Woahh!! i have never thought about that:) That's a very good question!!

    Please answer my question??;...

  11. I never really wondered that...hmmm...

    maybe they grow really fast?...

  12. Baby pigeons spend a few weeks on the ground whilst learning to fly. They hide themselves pretty well at this stage - so we don't see them often.

  13. Someone brought this question up at work (nature center) and it completely baffled me.  I mean we all see pigeons everywhere, where are the babies???

    Well, I did a little research.  Pigeons nest underneath over passes, bridges, shopping center signs, etc.  Mainly places that are a bit inaccessible for us to see.  There, they nest, and raise their young until they are ready to fly off as adults.  The babies are there, but by the time they fledge, they resemble adults and we cannot with our eyes distinguish the young from the old.

    Cool question!

  14. Pigeons don't leave the nest until they are adults.  

    Digg - Why You Never See Baby Pigeons  Then you can all see what baby pigeons look like (they do look mostly like ..... Septuris, on 10/12/2007, -0/+0The reason we don't see many baby animals is ... - 49k - Similar pages

  15. Pigeons usually make their nests in places that most people wouldn't go to look for. They nest under bridges. Under roof awnings. They make them under air conditioners. Etc.

    Only once can I say that I saw baby pigeons.

    A pair of dumb birds, and they had to be dumb to make their nest where they did, made their nest on my son's terrace. It was high up. 12th floor. But, right in the open on the terrace!

    So here they made their nest, laid their eggs, hatched their eggs. Baby pigeons are ugly little things! Bald. Blind. Very pink.

    Thank goodness they start to get their feather quickly and then they start to look more "piegon-like".

    That was the first and last time I saw a baby piegone.

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