
How comes yahoo answers do not promote freedom of speech??

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I had an answer removed for a violation notice yesterday. And I know some smart alec will complain about this for comical effect. The question was WHY DO PEOPLE DISLIKE MUSLIMS SO MUCH? Anyone answering such a question, and reading other answers knows full well they're opening themselves up to views they might not agree with, someone didn't agree with mine, and I got a violation notice




  1. to tell u the truth, idk...... but it might be cuz people think that muslims are weird lookin and cuz their different, i dont really care..... any way i know wat u mean bout freedom of speech.......that sux dude!

  2. So you were violated because someone did not agree with your answer? You said it yourself though, they know full well that people may not answer the way they wish and those people also know they might be getting a violation. Yahoo can only go by what they are told in these cases.

    I've gotten a few and Hon, don't take it personally it ain't worth the bother.

  3. What's the ticker?

  4. I had one removed for a violation when I objected to the tone of a question by making a joke at the asker`s expense.I was reported for "insulting another participant" he got away with his question unscathed.

    On occasion it makes perfect sense for them to moderate YA to avoid certain types of question and answer that might cause offense to say more "ethnic sections" of Yahoo.Some people just like to report others - it makes them feel righteous and they can sleep better at night LOL - others just get carried away with their irrational hated of others.We need some form of control or else we descend into race-hate or homophobia.

  5. I do not know about freedom of speech, but one fundamental problem with your question seems to be the fact that they are posted in the wrong sections. This question does not belong here. When you do not have the right audience, you are bound to get responses like the ones you have!

    - Sir david whatever, this is the investing section not the "mamma they removed my answer section".

  6. We do not have freedom of speech here in the UK, it is found nowhere in our laws. The US worships it and just like democracy would like to export it. It is a chimera.

  7. I was told that the people who regulate YA are probably middle class yanks who have no concept of open-forum debate, sarcasm, humour or controversy.

    BTW if you truly believe in 'freedom of speech' welcome to the brain-washed big-brother society of fools.....

  8. I don't know any Muslims so cant comment.

  9. Sure?


    Don't think so.

    Sure it's not using the right frequency?

    Why ?

    Get strike down by the hard ball playing base-ball?

    Get up and try again.

    Try changing the frequency?

    May be someone is climbing up the coconut tree had missed it.

    Luke 8.10,17

    What do you think?

  10. welcome to the ''elite delete'' club..just have to suck it up and move on...thousands have challanged the ''yahoo' folks and have lost..

  11. To conclude people dislike muslims is wrong. I have a lot of muslim friends and like all of them.

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