
How comew they are building a huge shipping port in Mexico near a mex 2 canada hwy they say does not exist?

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I read somewhere that the illuminati wants to bring down the USA to make it more 3rd world so they can institute this NWO one world currency. Now I see they are building a HUGE port in mexico - part of NAFTA, and the trans texas highway (which they deny exists - texas to canada superhwy) system, which will eventually go to the tunnel which goes under the bearing straights, like the chunnel that connects england (island) to the mainland (france). why to they want us to fail as a country? What did we - the people - do to them?




  1. Why are there all of these paranoid conspiracy freaks? The CIA and FBI can't even communicate national security threats between agencies. What makes you think the govt. could even pull off a conspiracy that crosses borders and involves 10,000's if not hundreads of thousands of people.

    To answer your question. Yes, Mexico is building a huge new port. It will be in Baja California and the idea is to draw some of the traffic from Long Beach/San Pedro south to Mexico. It will be a short rail ride for containers from Asia north to the US border.

    Considering the longshoreman's union strike that crippled west coast US ports 5 or 6 years ago or so, this seems like a good idea to me. It is also expected to generate over 50,000 jobs in Mexico.

  2. I have no idea what you are talking about.  Maybe you should define your question a bit more.

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