
How comfortable are you with the idea of other people being wrong?

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There's a vast universe full of people out there who don't know what you know. They are coming to different conclusions about thing based on possible misinformation. They are all misinformed about something. Many will come to a different conclusion than you based on the same information that you have. Nothing is going to stop it. Does it bother you?




  1. Very comfortable. Being right doesn't make me popular, it just makes me right & I'm okay with that.

  2. It was very difficult as a youth to have tolerance for all those who are ignorant and get their opinions from the media.  You have to understand that the world needs ditch diggers too.

  3. Hello,

    Not at all; as they used to say in my history courses, one man's truth is another man's lie. Any one's sources could be faulty at times including yours or mine.

    A classic example is the point that a few Americans here sometimes make that if it wasn't for their contribution in WWII, the French would all be speaking German now. True America helped a lot, even as Stalin said with their industrial might but on the other hand, invading Russia was Germany's biggest military mistake as well as not obliterating the RAF and invading England which was the beginning of the end. The French could argue in turn that if it was not for them and their help in the American Revolutionary War, Americans would still be singing, God Save The Queen. Sinking money into this venture, sunk the treasury in France and helped in part to facilitate the French Revolution. Some scholars say the help from France was late in comimg and did not matter either way.

    To solve this, reliable academic sources must be found, analysed and cited but more likely as not, most people will not go to great lengths and hours of research to prove they have the truth.


    Michael Kelly

  4. i like this question

    regardless of how i answer, the odds are stacked against me that i am wrong myself

    i know it's a question of personal opinion, but someone somewhere will find my opinion wrong

    i am not comfortable in that knowledge alone

    instead i am comfortable that somebody somewhere will always find fault with something else

    i will find fault with things other people will applaud

    i would be extremely uncomfortable if everyone thought i was right, so the logical conclusion is that i'm comfortable with knowing somebody thinks i'm wrong or will draw different conclusions than me

    it's the basic way we progress as a society, deciding who's the most right and following that idea, it's also how we fail when that idea doesn't work

    questioning it is very idividual and admirable, but voice it too loud and you get your own set of sheep following your ideas

  5. It annoying, but you have to get on with it and leave them be, if being wrong makes them happy.

  6. I'm very comfortable with it.  Everyone has their own perspective.  Just like others have been wrong, so have I...I'm glad when other's bring things to my attention and I like to do the same.  Sometimes it can lead to great debates...

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