
How common are STDs in Mexico?

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How common are STDs in Mexico?




  1. They are like in other countries


  2. If you are thinking about a relationship with someone from Mexico, then I'd say the same rule of thumb applies that if that person is an intelligent, responsible and mature individual, (s)he probably does not have one, probably no more likely than in the USA.

    If you are thinking about a fling, or a "rent-a-date" type situation, I'd say it is probably more common than in the USA, since there might not be the same awareness of the risks.

  3. mostly confined to prostitues in the rural areas. city areas more risky.

  4. not very common!

  5. really common, unlike STD's in other countries which can be quite sophisticated

  6. I don't really know about the Mexican telephone network but I'd say they are fairly common.

  7. STD's in Mexico are just like anywhere else in the world.  Disease is disease regardless of the country.  If people are doing dumb things (Unprotected s*x, s*x with a stranger, s*x outside of marriage, etc.), then they will get the diseases.  The best thing is not to do the dumb things.

    It has nothing to do with the water or anything else.  I think the person who posted this question was referring to Sexually Transmitted Diseases.  You have to have sexual contact with someone to transmit or receive them.

  8. theyre everywhere!

    thats why your not suppose to drink the water.

  9. Just like any other country. I did read that Mexican hookers won't oblige American guys because they are more likely to transmit disease to them, inclding AIDs.

  10. probably not very commen

  11. I would say they are no where near as common as in the United States as we are more free about sexuality and mexicans have high morals when it comes to s*x and most women don't have it until they are married(of course it isn't as frowned upon for the guys to sow their wild oats before marriage like it would be if a woman did it). My husband is mexican and he says when you are boyfriend/girlfriend there you hold hands, kiss, and that's about it. You basically court each other. Then if you are serious, on to marriage, then on to the hanky panky. Too bad the US isn't like that!

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