
How common are fish diseases from swallowing aquarium water?

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So, I start my siphon with my mouth and I occasionally get a mouth ful of water, but normally just a few drops. Is there any really bad diseases that can be caught this way thaat I should worry about?




  1. Unless your tank has diseases like Giardia in it a few drops won't kill you (well, ok giardia won't kill you either) Fish have their own diseases that we cannot catch. Just as your fish cant catch your cold or flu bug.

  2. There are several, but the most common, Mycobacterium marinum (fish TB, most prevaltent in SALTWATER), doesn't even infect via ingestion, but through open skin (as do most others).  There are staph infections as well that enter throught the skin, but can be injested, as well as Aeromonas infections, which would lead to gastroenteritis and minor septicemia.  None of these are life threatening, especially if a physician is consulted.

  3. what i do instead of sucking on the siphon is this: first I take the hose, then I submerge the entire siphon in the water, making sure that the siphon gets filled, then I take out the siphon by plugging both ends with my put one hand in the tank water taking away your thumb from the opening, then you let go of the other one (the one outside the tank) and point it towards a bucket. you're done...without having to suck on it haha...I hope this helped.

  4. If your fish don't have diseases than your fine and its only like one fish disease that a human can accually catch. unless its some kinda build up in your aquarium water but i doubt that if your fish are healthy then you should have now problem

  5. Get a phython. Expensive, well worth it.

    It's self siphoning.

    You'll never again carry dirty fish water in a bucket.

  6. jesus spend 10/20 quid its worth it

  7. Fish tuberculosis is the only one you can catch. Its bad. They make self siphoning gravel vacs, I'd invest in one!

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