
How common is homosexuality?

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e.g. How many people in ten and which country.




  1. The average ratio from several studies are that 9.61 percent of men are homosexual and 4.58 percent of women are homosexual.

    In 1995, a survey (The prevalence of homosexual behavior and attraction in the United States, the United Kingdom and France: Results of national population-based samples - Sell, Wells, and Wypij) reported 6.2, 4.5, and 10.7 percent of males and 3.6, 2.1, and 3.3 percent of females in the United States, the United Kingdom, and France, respectively, report having had sexual contact with someone of the same s*x in the previous 5 years.

    A 1994 study (The Social Organization of Sexuality: Sexual Practices in the United States - Laumann, Gagnon, Michael, Michaels) reported that the incidence rate of homosexual desire for men is 7.7 percent and 7.5 percent for women.

    A 1993 study (The Janus Report on Sexual Behavior - Janus and Janus) found 9 percent of men and 5 percent of women were involved in frequent or ongoing homosexual experiences.

    A 1990 study (Homosexuality/Heterosexuality by McWhirter, Sanders, and Reinisch) stated 13.95 percent of males and 4.25 percent of females had "extensive" or "more than incidental" homosexual experience.

    The Indiana University Kinsey Reports (Sexual Behavior in the Human Male - Kinsey, Pomeroy, and Martin/Sexual Behavior in the Human Female - Kinsey, Pomeroy, Martin, and Gerhard) reported 10 percent of males being more or less exclusively homosexual and 2 percent to 6 percent of females being more or less exclusively homosexual. Gebhard and Johnson reexamined the amount of homosexual experience in Kinsey's basic sample of noninstitutionalized males and females in 1979 and found 9.9 percent of the males in the College Sample had extensive homosexual experience & 3.7 percent of females had extensive homosexual experience.

  2. in the UK approximately 1 in 10 people are homosexual.

    there are 70 million people living in the UK,

    so there are 7 million of us :)


  3. not too common

  4. My HS senior class had 300 kids in it. I know at least a dozen of us who are g*y, and I'm sure there are many I don't know at all.  Ten-twenty percent is probably right, on the low end if you count only those who act exclusively on homosexual urges, the higher if you count those who rarely or never act on those feelings.  It seems we are actually born on a spectrum with many people acting on only one kind of feeling.  

  5. its supposed to be 1 out of every 10. i think thats just USA, though.

  6. It's very common. 1 out of 10 people can identify themselves as homosexual.

  7.    Id say 15 percent of the population easily . Thats all countries except Iran of course .  

  8. ummm, i think it's pretty common. i'm like the 5th guy in my school that i know about. so it's me and 4 more that i know about and i'm in 10th

  9. In an relatively accepting country, like America, they say the percentage of the population that is g*y is 5-10%.  Somewhere between 1 in 20 to 1 in 10.

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