
How common is it for an american bulldog to be mostly black?

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i have an american bulldog puppy and hes mostly black with some white markings. whenever i read about them it never seems to say anything about them being black and when i google pictures they're never black..

could i have been lied to?

how common is it for them to be black?

heres a picture of my baby

he's a bout seven and a half months old.




  1. Color: Solid or varying degrees of white, all shades of brindle, brown, red, or tan are acceptable. Solid black, black and tan, and/or any degree of merle is unacceptable. A full black mask is not preferred. **Merle is a dilution of overall body color (black or red) with splotches of darker color giving the effect of "merling" or "marbling" not to be confused with Brindle that gives the effect of "striping".  

  2. Have you seen any other pictures of American Bulldogs?? This is not one of them. Where did you get him? A petstore? A friend? But either way, it's still a companion :).

  3. The standard says that the coat is white, white with patches, black and white, brindle, fawn, or a combination of any of these.  But white somewhere on the coat is preferred.  So the color isn't a big deal, but the picture you show doesn't look like a purebred to me.  He looks like a bully/lab mix maybe or a pitt mix.  

  4. Maybe he is European mixed with African.

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