
How common is it for women over 25 to lust for 15-17 year old boys and what is the nature of this lust?

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there are so many cases of women having s*x with their students. i know someone who works with cases of sexual abuse and says those comprise a lot of the cases they work with. it's also always being portrayed in the media.

do women have a lust for young boys that they don't have for most grown up men? because it seems like it is pure lust that women don't typically display. i mean, they give into it even though it may destroy their careers. if women were that lustful with men in general, you wouldn't see men always being the ones who want s*x and trying to get women in bed while women don't want it.




  1. i was ******* two different women in their mid twenties at 15, and continued seeing one of them till i was nineteen.

    just as well it's not contagious, if i had a thing for teenagers and acted upon it i would really be taking my life onto my own hands.

  2. Not that common, if you're looking at percentage of all women over 25, to how many lust after boys.

    "There are so many cases" -- do you mean in the news? News picks up on unnusual cases. It's much more common for men to seduce young girls.

    Your friend "works with cases of sexual abuse" -- therefore works with that small proportion of the population who engage in sexual abuse, not the population in general.

    I suspect it's not just lust, but other things going on. Being able to be the more secure one in the relationship, for instance.

    So, if I'm damaged, and am tired of being the most vulnerable one in relationships with men, and I'm in a position to be with a young person who is the more vulnerable one -- sorry, I can't carry on with the "I" part of this, as it's grossing me out.

    But I imagine that's the dynamic in a lot of these cases.

    Suppose a teen boy gets a huge crush on a grown woman. To HIM it feels like love. The woman, unused to being the one with power in the relationship, goes along with the "it's LOVE" thing, and actually gets involved.

    But is it common?


    Do the math. Out of all women over 25, it's only a really tiny proportion that mess with teen boys.

    And there are a lot more men who mess with teen girls. It's less newsworthy because less common.

  3. some women do, but most women date guys there own age.

  4. I have no urge to have s*x with teen boys but some people (both men and women) are sick in the head.  We should just feed the salt pewter... or castrate them... hmmm.

  5. i would not say the number of these cases are 'many' .  Anyone, regardless of gender, who is 25 and attracted to 15-17 yearolds are mentally ill, plain and simple.

  6. frankly, as a woman over 25, i do not lust for teenage boys. I also find it hard to believe that this is like an epidemic among my age group. I do believe that with teachers who end up having underage relationships, they tend to be in bad marriages, have low self esteem and therefore fall for anyone who shows the least interest in them and they obviously lack good judgement. These people will probably do the same if they taught in adult schools and had elderly students. I believe it is a combo of their situation, how they feel about themselves and what's readily available (or what seems readily available) to them

  7. I think there many more men having s*x (relationships) with very younger girls.  They just don't get the publicity as the other way around.

    If you stop and think about it, you see many men having s*x with a co-worker, which is files a sexual harassment case and not s*x with a minor.  Like I said...sensational news grabs the attention of the media.  Mundane news is yesterday's laundry.

  8. I don't think it's very common. Women who do things like that have serious issues. Personally I don't understand it, I didn't  even want to sleep with 15-17 year old boys when I was 15-17 years old.

  9. em i dont think its VERY common but nuthing is impossible - its a lil creepy if you ask me ..x

  10. eoghan g - nice. I don't want any more abortion or moral questions outta you. Haha

    Hero - you seem a wee obsessed with this. And as a woman who doesn't partake of prepubescent teenagers, I don't know what possessed anyone to be attracted to someone that young. In fact, I think it's kinda gross.

    I don't know how common it is. Men do this too, and I don't know why. I can't help but think it's a purity thing. Which is still gross. Adults shouldn't be having s*x with kids.

  11. I think these women have low self esteem and they use these young men to feel wanted.  Even if it lands them in prison.  I personally find this discusting.  If an older woman approached my 16 yr old son for s*x....concenting age or not..she would find herself alone with me in a dark alley way for sure!!

  12. "smudge, i don't often hear about grown men having consentual sexual relationships with teen girls. usually they rape them, and that's only because they're the weakest and most vulnerable. also, i think a lot of the men who do would not turn down s*x with a more mature woman, which is perfectly legal and not jailbait."

    You are so very wrong here. a 17 y/o female that sleeps with a 25y/o man, and it's PAINTED as rape. it's a perception thing, not reality.

  13. When I was in high school, and even in junior high, I had a LOT of female friends who routinely dated much older men. It happened often enough that I have a hard time seeing it a a fluke, or anything out of the ordinary. Our culture has worshipped youth and beauty for a very long time. The only thing that's different now is that men are no longer the only ones who feel comfortable expressing their attraction to nubile young things. As for why the lust is so unrestrained, I guess it must be easier to objectify someone when you know you could never have a meaningful relationship with them.

    Note: I am not condoning any of this. I'm just not sure why everyone seems to find it so damned surprising when it's been going on in reverse for centuries.

    Edit: You probably haven't heard of that happening because you weren't a teenaged girl, and therefore never had any teenaged female friends confiding this sort of thing with you. Most of these girls didn't exactly make this information public knowledge. ;-) I saw it happen dozens of times, not just consensually, but usually also in the form of a monogamous relationship. The most extreme example was a 14 year old girl and a 29 year old man. They ended up living together for awhile after she turned 18.

  14. I am 19 and do not lust over 15-17 year old guys

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