
How common is it to have luteal phase length change from month to month??

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I stopped using BC at the beginning of June, and had a luteal phase of 11 days. THis month, my ovulation day was delayed approx.4 days. Should I expect my LP to be 11 or 7 days this month?




  1. i am not sure how common it is for it to change-but i know mine sure has. from month to month.

    i really dont know about yours-might be closer to 7.

  2. Usually your luteal phase doesn't change.  So, if you ovulated 4 days later than last month, you should start your period 4 days later than last month.  Since you just stopped the pill, though, it could take awhile for your body to balance out.  But once that happens, expect your luteal phase to always be the same.  Your follicular phase (the time from your period to ovulation) is the phase that can vary in length....that's the phase that determines how long your cycle will be that month.  For example, I have a 14 day luteal phase (it's been 13 days once), but my cycle has varied from 27-33 days since I got off the pill in April.  But, I'm charting my cycles, so I know when I'm ovulating.  I hope that helps.

    Best of luck and lots of baby dust!

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