
How common it is when you have a car accident by putting your foot on the speed than on the break?

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Why it happens and how to prevent it when you a new driver. Any suggestions?




  1. It isnt that common but it does happen. You just need to concentrate while you're driving and try not to get distracted by anything. If you really have to do something that would mean taking your eyes off the road, find somewhere safe to stop and do it then.

  2. there is only 2 pedals on an automatic just pay attention to your driving.  It's pretty uncommon but than again I watched as a girl who must have thought the car was in reverse floored it through the front of a 7/11 well into the store. So accidents happen but not usually if your paying close attention to what you are doing and you will be fine.

  3. That has definitely happened to me but my children's father made me do it. He hit me in my eye while I was driving.

    (GOD rest his soul.)

  4. Drive the speed limit, dont get distracted, follow the rules of the road and it is not that common at all....

  5. when people are drunk, mentally affected, traumatized, etc.. it can happen...

  6. just be alert at all times and remember where the brake is so you don't slam on the gas.

    quite a few accidents are actually avoided if you speed up instead of brake if you are about to be crashed in to.

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