
How compatable are we?

by Guest34147  |  earlier

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My birth data: September 21,1976. 10:34 am,Cincinnati ,Ohio.

His birth data: August 23,1967. Time unknown.I believe he was born in Cincinnati,Ohio as well. I just want an second opinion,hopefully to verify what I sense and experienced with him so far.




  1. Virgo + Virgo

    Earth + Earth = Solid Ground

    Now you’ve met your match – another Virgo! When your exact and precise mind tries to deal with another Virgo, it will be like looking in the mirror. Your Virgo partner will demand just as much perfection from you as you do from them.

    This union will probably be an incredible challenge for the two of you, right from the start. It won’t work unless you and your star twin realise that perfection isn’t possible and start making allowances for each other.

    The major lesson for your partnership is to enjoy the journey of life and take as much pleasure as you can in everything you experience. If your standards are so high that neither of you can achieve them, your lives will be a misery, so try not to be too critical of each other.

    If you let go of this, your two minds together will make a pretty powerful force — focus on enjoying your work and on reaching the goals you’ve set together. Both of you enjoy and take pride in doing skilful and excellent work, so you should achieve a lot.

    While you tend to demand a lot of each other, you also have a lot in common. You both enjoy a clean and ordered environment, and you both love knuckling down to work on your goals, individual and shared.

    You’re good at encouraging and helping each other, too, and you take genuine pleasure in each other’s successes, which is less than common these days. Basically, this relationship is one that is not selfish.

    In the bedroom, you’ll find that you have a similar approach to expressing your love. If you both throw out all the mind games, your love life can be extremely sweet and fulfilling.

    You are most compatible with Virgos born between 24 August and 2 September. The mirror in which you see each other seems to have been cleaned and polished to a shining brightness. You’ll get on very well with them, because you see so much of yourself in them.

    There could be a more serious tone in a relationship with those born between 3 September and 12 September. They are influenced by Saturn and Capricorn, which means they have an obsession with material things — acquiring expensive items seems to increase their sense of self-worth. This influence could stunt their inner happiness.

    A relationship with a Virgo born between 13 September and 22 September will be a satisfying experience. Because Taurus and Venus have a hand in their destiny, they are well suited to you. Their softer, more stabilising influence can bring you lots of good times together.  

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