
How complex is it to adopt a child from abroad that needs a home?

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I'm in the UK (40 yr old) married




  1. It's a little more complex than adopting in the USA.  You will have to deal with two separate governments and immigration.  Otherwise, it's similar.  There are children in other countries and here in the US who need forever families.  A lot of people seem to have issues about adoption, but the truth is if someone doesn't step forward to raise them, they could and probably will languish in foster care or orphanages where they will be neglected.  The issues that face adopted children pale in comparison to the children left behind in those situations.  For an internationally adopted child to immigrate to the USA there must be proof that the child has been abandoned by both parents, not just that there is no one immediately available to care for the child.  To not consider international adoption because of the fear that the birth parents might seek to return and claim the child is insufficient reasoning.  All children need families and that doesn't mean the orphanage worker who comes by to hold the child for 5 minutes each day.  International adoption can be more expensive but go where your heart guides you, after you've explored all avenues for adoption.  If you come across those nay-sayers who discourage you, explore their motivation for doing so and weigh what's in the best interests of a child who has no family.

  2. It's extremely complex for the child, who doesn't have any say in the loss of his/her homeland, culture, family, language, food, etc.  Often, children in orphanages in other countries have families who could care for them if they had the money.  They place their children in orphanages temporarily because they can't afford to feed them at that time, and when they come back, their children have been sold to foreigners for top dollar.  In other cases, there are baby farms, coercion of natural mothers/families (people will tell them they will be able to move to their child's new country when they grow up, ensuring that they will be taken care of in their old age, when in fact, no such thing will happen).  International adoption is a minefield of corruption - and it's not worth it to save ONE child when there are so many more that will stay behind.  Put your money into programs in their home countries so that the children there will be fed, housed, and clothed by their own families.

  3. It depends.

    Do you care that a child is being torn from his/her family because they don't have the same welfare systems  the US/UK govt is giving the impoverished in our countries.

    Go buy a baby if it doesn't bother you.

  4. is that you madonna?

  5. Depends on where you are adopting from. I know people who have adopted from several countries now. Some are easier than others, BUT you still have to get a  visa to bring your child into your country and sometimes that is the hangup.  Since you are in the UK, your best bet is to find a group of parents who are adopting from outside the UK and find out what the issues are.

    The easiest foreign adoptions, of course, are ones where you are living in the foreign country temporarily. However, most folks can't afford to do that.

  6. Adoption of a child has to be complex the authority that deals with adoption must make sure beyond any shadow of doupt that any adopted child will be brought up in a caring loving family and that that child will be given a better than best life.To your position and wanting to adopt says allot about you as a person and I wish you well but make sure you have really thought it through also with your partner you don't adopt because these children look cute remember they grow and become adults,can you and your partner give them a life that you would expect for yourself if you were in their shoes?. I have answered your question in this way because I myself am adopted and was given a very good life by my adopted mum and dad. They adopted me as a baby and were in their forties, when I was at primary school around 10yrs old my parents were in their 50's,this is something you have to think about.I wish you well in your endeavour and God bless.

  7. I can't speak to the UK side of things, but it's a reasonable assumption that the adoption process of international adoption is as complex as it is in the US.  Lots of paperwork, lots of hurry up and wait, lots of hoops to jump through.  

    Parenting children adopted from overseas is just as complex.  There are racial (often), cultural, sometimes language issues, which can be addressed but they should not be underestimated.  

    Do a lot of research.  International adoption is nothing to jump into if you're not a hundred percent committed.  Don't venture forward blind!  You also must educate yourself on choosing a reputable agency because there are many out there that are not and will gladly take your money, while paying someone to have a child for you.  The idea is that you are providing a home for a child that needs one.

    That said, there are children all over the world that need homes.  The challenges are there.  Not insurmountable, but they do need to be acknowledged and addressed.

    Good luck!

  8. very, but it is worth it! go for mozambique children, they hold the love of the world!    :)

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