
How comunist do you think this country is?as in the U.S.?Do you think that the U.S.government is2 2controlling

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How comunist do you think this country is?as in the U.S.?Do you think that the U.S.government is2 2controlling




  1. Communistic is not a very good word. I'd say athoritarion and abstractly fascist.

  2. I used to teach in public school.  No Child Left Behind (written by Ted Kennedy and signed by Bush) made the whole system like one huge bueracracy.... one that stressed out teachers with endless paper work and didn't help the kids any more than normal.

  3. This haven't had a true democracy for a long time.....we are brainwashed to feel that we actually have a choice, when we don't. The establishment gives us only a few canidates to choose from ( Obama, Clinton, McCain ) No matter who we suppossedly select, they will represent the establishment and not the people.  I agree, we are more of a fascist system.  By the way....what you have to understand is that the goal of the establishment will always be a fascist, totalitarian way of governance. Unless we fight back and unless we wake up fast......we will lose all our rights and freedoms given to us under the Constitution. I know this seems unimaginable to the typical individual, but its happening right now ! The goal of the International Elite is the destruction of  the United States. They have almost accomplished their goal. Look up these links.




  4. communism is not necessarily a bad thing. it works in some countries and is necessary for the global market too. it's just that americans have ingrained into your mind that a "communist" is synonymous to "pure evil."

    the government isn't too controlling. you can't have everyone running around creating havoc just for the sake of "freedom." it defeats the government's purpose-- protection. b/c if people aren't under control, the government can't protect them.

  5. cummunism we are not!!!

    totaltalitarian would define the world today not just the usa...

    many ppl are fooled into this idea of counties and boarders.. they only exist to contain the poor...

    if we had a communist country / world we would not have hunger  as there is now...

    and btw the ussr of old wasnt a true communist country

  6. This is a fascist country, not a communist country.  Look at all of the Constitutional rights that have been conveniently overlooked and greatly eroded.

    People are worried about the second amendment, but don't bother to see what happened to the fourth, fifth, and sixth.

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