
How concerned are you about climate change?

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Rate on a scale of 0 through 10, then explain. Thank you!




  1. 1 because I think global warming is fake and ice caps are barely melting, scientists are over exagerating. Really it sounds like a stage, because when dinosaurs roamed the earth it was hot then it got really cold like ice age and stuff and know it is getting hot again, in a few hundred years it will get cold again and then it will get hot and a bunch of wackos will just say it is global warming again. And Al Gore is a loopy weirdo wanting attention.

  2. not really worried about cimate change

  3. I have to go with an 11 on this because the polar bear population is dwindeling away, it has gone frome like 2500 in the 1970's to only a little over 10,000. also the polar ice caps are melting away. look at New York, do you realize NY is under three feet of water today and sinking fast.

  4. 10, with 10 being the highest.  

    It's strange as I think about it, just seven or eight years ago I would have probably rated my worries somewhere in the mid-category.  And there was just as much climate change knowledge then as there was now.  

    I hear reports of scientists knowing that this was a major problem decades ago, and listen to Al Gore lecturing at the Kyoto protocol proceedings a decade ago and am dismayed that the general American public at least did not seem to know the dire nature of our situation.

    Now Al Gore's video is making its way into classrooms all across the country, but the science he is showing has been there for decades.  Why wasn't this made available sooner?  I'm sorry, but it shocks me.  

    I guess it's good we are finally realizing the nature of this problem, and there is still some time to change our ways before worse effects happen.

  5. 10 because our ice caps are melting


    I give it a ten. Why? Because they barely know anything about it. They debate whether or not its a problem when what is going on right now matters and needs to be analyzed.  We should be debating about when to cap enormous amounts of funding for world wide reasearch. Come on people. Get it together.

  7. 9 almost we must do something now

    there are more strange (extreme) weather changes thtan ever in all history

  8. Concerned a lot ... if we were to start heading into another Ice Age !  Life thrives in a warmer world and there is no reason to believe we have seen optimal climate for humanity yet .

  9. 0 because it's completely natural.

  10. I agree with Leonard, but I'd say I'm about a 7.  I think eventually we will change our destructive habits, but not without causing the planet some harm in the process.  There's too many people making a lot of money by polluting right now.  When that changes (when the polluters are forced to clean up the messes they make), then I think we'll be getting somewhere.

  11. 1 ( very low )

    The earth's climate as a whole and regionally has changed many many times in the past... no mater what we do or don't do climate change will happen anyway... our influence effects the rate and it that rate is our fault ( guilt) nothing more.

    Life on earth will go one even if billions die weather it be from global warming or ice ages... and thanks to our technology humans as a species have the best chances of all species to survive any climate change.... human influenced or natural climate change.

    That having been said... I think that moving toward a more balanced eco friendly species is a goal all of humanity should have no mater what country.... not to avoid some punishment from our climate... but because it is the right thing to do... even if we do not care about our effects on future climate and generations... I personally think we should still try to improve ourselves as a species... and greening up as a species is a good goal in my book.

  12. About a 6 because I know that we will change whatever is necessary to stop it.  We already have started and now to educate those who are still wasting our plantet.  That's the hard part.  Many don't want to give up their big engined, gas guzzling vehicles.  They don't care about the rest of us or our what we will be leaving our children.

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