
How cool is this an eden like seed bank in case of dramatic Climate change built to survive a nuclear blast?

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  1. If it survives so what good is that since no one will be around to plant them?

  2. Actually many people have seed exchanges just to keep older varieties of plants going.  It's a great idea, but you'll also have to collect all the things you need to herminate and actually grow the plants & trees.  And whatever and wherever you collect would have to survive the blast.  Producing the sunlight  needed would be necessary also, and even if you used the "growing" bulbs, how would supply the power?  Lots more to this project, but I like the idea.

  3. A million years from now, someone will discover this cache of seeds and wonder:  Why would an ancient culture try to plant their seeds this deeply, and in such an inhospitable environment?  Were they retarded?  No wonder they didn't survive!

  4. What's wrong with being prepared?  This isn't being done specifically for climate change.  The first reason was given to protect species from nuclear attack, then to protect against Y2K, now global warming.

    This project isn't new.  It's been going on for years.

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