
How cool would it be if your dog could talk?

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How cool would it be if your dog could talk?




  1. Dude! I would love it if my dog could talk, I think I'd die laughing from the stuff he'd have to say. He's a  Great Dane and all the kids ride on him......he gives them some really hillarious looks. I'd love to know what he's thinking!!!

  2. Your dog can talk.  Just start listening and watching.

    Bow - This is play sign.  Dogs front legs are on the ground with butt sticking up.  This is a sign that they want to engage in play.

    Shaking head that looks like no (to us).  This is dog language for "Yes"

    Burping - This means "I want" and usually involves food.

    Barks are different and have different meanings.  So do growls.  Some are playful while others are warnings.

    Some dogs have howls and yawls.  They can have many different ones, but will repeat the same yawl / howl at certain times.

    Watch your dog's eyes.  If they want something, they will look at the item, look back at you and look back at the item again.

    Language is an art.  Start looking and listening.

  3. it would be great i would be able to understand him, and we would know what`s wrong when his sick.

  4. Actually I'm pretty glad they can't talk.  No asking for money, the car, or designer shoes.  No backtalk, coming home drunk, skipping school, or complaining about dinner.  What I do wish is that they could vacuum.

  5. That would be sooo cool.They could tell you when they're hungry, thirsty,tired or hurt :)

  6. She already does.

  7. Hahah then I would hear my dog asking for treats and walks 24/7 :)

  8. wow that will be so kool lol :)

  9. Honestly, with a husband and kids in a  busy and boisterous house the thought of someone else in the family saying "can you take me here, pick me up there,  where is the..." is not as attractive as one might think.

  10. It would be saweet!  

  11. Mine already does. Perfect English too... He's a husky if you're wondering.

  12. I would love to hear what my dog has to say. She's such a freak, I want to hear her reasoning for her actions. hahaha. I'm saying this in the good sense of course.

  13. Ha would be wonderful!!!  Here is what he would say:  (fun question!!)

    Feed me

    Wanna play!!

    Wanna go for a walk!!

    Treats, treats, treats!!

    Wanna play again!!

    Where's my bone?

    <----------Where's my BINKY?!!

    Are we going now?

    Are we going now?



    More treats?

    GOTTA PEE, again!!

    I don't wanna sleep!

    Another Treat???

    Can we play now?

    Can we go bye bye now?

    Noooooooooooooo.....DON'T WANNA SLEEP!!!

    More treats!

    More food!

    Toys, toys, toys!!

    Gotta pee again.....wait, I'll be right back!!

    Where did everyone go/????

    This is boring!!

    Did they leave me any treats??

    Where's my bone?

    It's dark in here!!

    They are home!!!

    l**k, l**k, l**k...............SLURPY KISSES!!!

    I just wanna dance, hop, spin.....this is fun!!!

    Can I have another treat?

    Hmmmmmmmmmmm.......gotta pee again!!!


    Arf arf arf.....awake again!!

  14. that would be so flipping awsome. i think me and my dog would be best friends, we are now but even better friends. :)

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