
How could I get my father's birth records?

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My father was adopted and refuses to get his medical records and birth records even though my sister and I have begged him to. It's important to us for our own medical reasons and if we have children. He will not get them for us. Is there anyway I can get his records without involving him, as there is no way he'd help?




  1. if he was adopted in tenn. probably that is where he came from write to the ssoffice or health depart. do youhave his real name? if not send copy of his birth certificate and yours showing hes your dad. that you want his records medical cause of your kids. theys hould do this for you. it will cost but they will tell you its best to call each time. keep records adn whomyou talk to.

  2. Get a background check if you can with his Social Security number. If your old enough and have enough cash on you to tell him you are applying for a life insurace policy for him.

    Maybe you can go far back as his school records. Which schools did he attend, phsycian may have been reported on them.

    Generally you can only take a look at his on going health and combine the two with your own health records, and your mothers. Does he take care of himself? in shape or out of shape beer guzzler? If so alcoholism might run in the family.

    Best of all is to teach your kids healthy habits. Eat right. Sleep right. etc. This should take a load off your shoulders.

    Last but not least you can take this to court to have records re-opened if sealed. Family court.

    Finalize answer get as many photos of him together for your family album. Start over with a new family tree. Write down his likes dislikes and stuff. Jobs he had. Cars he drove.

  3. when you are adopted they try to match your medical background to you adoptive parents. you cannot force your father to get his medical background. more than likely, it's not available anyway. his medical background is not going to help anything with your children anyway. i'm adopted and my hubby's mother was adopted, so we have basically no medical history. our children and happy and healthy.

  4. a couple states allow children of adoptees to join registries which state was your fathers adoption finalized in?

  5. Which country ?

  6. The simple answer is, unfortunately... you can't.

    Most states wouldn't give him his records (original birth certificate, biological family's identifying info) anyway--most states still seal these records.

    There ARE medical registries... and the agency or lawyer he was adopted through might have (probably old) medical info from the time he was adopted...

    But your father is the one who needs to sign up for the registries, request the info, etc.

    I'm sorry. I know how important medical info can be--it helps you know what to look for, whether you should get early tests, mammograms, etc, whether to look for mental illness and what treatment approaches might work if someone in the family gets one, and on an on. Medical history IS important... I'm sorry you don't have yours, for yourself and your children.

    Do you know why your father is so opposed to getting the info?

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