
How could I go about finding my biological father?

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My birth parents were both in high school when my mother became pregnant...he supposedly moved to California without knowing she was pregnant...she gave me up for adoption to my great aunt and uncle when I was born...there is no record of him on my birth certificate and she only knows his name and that is it...I have googled it and a lot of results show up but I don't know where to I contact these men with that name? what do I say to them? I just want to meet him at least once...I am not looking for a relationship with him or anything, but I would like to know if I have any other brothers and sisters, and things like that...would it be wrong for me to barge into his life since he apparently knows nothing about me even existing? serious answers please...thank you! =)




  1. Call the Montel Williams show. They always find relatives! I think that they would help you find him. If you have a name there are agencies that can find people...that is what they specialize in...I will try to find the name and number to the place. Don't go with agencies like US People Search...they are lousy and unreliable! Good Luck honey!

    To h**l with all you giving me bad ratings...

  2. Barge away.  Did he move before he graduated from high school? Does he have any family members locally?  I would start with that first.  

    I do know of a gal who called perhaps 350 different men with the spiel that 'she is trying to find a person who once lived in the X area of YourState.  If they acknowledge that, then she would further ask if they knew X person.  This route is especially helpful if the person you are contacting is not at home.  Leave either your number or email for further contact.  Ultimately, what happened in her case is that she found a relative who contacted the man she was looking for.  They are now in reunion, although I don't know how well that's gone.

  3. There are many trusted contacts here on Y!A that should be able to help you or provide you with more information on how to search.  You'll probably be hearing from them soon.

    In the meantime, I always like to also suggest to adoptees searching for family members to remember the genealogy websites also.  It is amazing how much information can be found there and I believe that they can help some adoptees find more information about themselves and their history.

    By no means will a genealogy site be better than a reunion site or information you will receive here from other adoptees, however, I do like to offer the suggestion to those looking for more detailed history because it may help some people.  

    Good luck.

  4. YOu are very kind, I like that. Also my friends on the site called pubspa support you. They are all humorous.

  5. I'm reunited with my natural dad.  We reunited in 2001 after I searched.  He had also searched, but had no luck because it's a lot harder for the parents.  

    A name is, of course, the main thing you need, but in order to narrow it down you need to use something better than just a Google search.  You'll want to narrow it down by age, as I'm sure that most of the guys who came up on your Google search don't fit the right age.

    In cases like this, I use  You can see your search results and they will usually include the age, even a dob, along with addresses and phone numbers.  Some of them go back a ways, so if you find John Doe in California with a previous address in your state of birth at the correct age, well you've really narrowed things for youself.

    A basic search will turn cost 8.00 for the information available for everyone of the list your search generates.  

    Example:  You search for John Doe in California.  You get 20 results.  You pay 8.00 and you will get the information for all 20 of those results.  Just today I was able to locate someone for a person who was searching by using  I've had good results with it.

    If you want, you can pay 40.00 for a full background check on someone that can help you to REALLY be 99.9% sure you've got the right guy, but I've never found that to be necessary to do.

    Also, I have a paid subscription to which has databases galore.  I've had a lot of luck finding people that way, too.  If you want me to run his name through, I will.  Just contact me via my profile page.

    Good luck to you!

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