Last night hubby and I went to see an advance screening of Batman. We got there about an hour early and held seats for his coworker "John" and his wife "Jane".
John and my hubby are both army, so I assumed Jane was a civilian wife like me. However, it turns out she is also army and they all work together.
I was sitting on the end of the row when they arrived. The three of them ignored me for 30 mins straight and talked about work. I felt weird butting in because I didn't know the people they were chatting about or understand their "in-jokes".
I played with my cell phone for awhile, then I told my hubby I was going to take a call in the lobby.
5 minutes later he comes out and is like, "I'm sorry we're ignoring you. We all feel bad Come back in."
But then, I didn't want to come back in because I felt all weird.
So I hung out a few more minutes and returned when the movie started.
I know that was the wrong thing.