
How could I improve my english speaking? I'm good in reading and writing?

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How could I improve my english speaking? I'm good in reading and writing?




  1. just practice but i could see how reading message boards in english could possibly confuse the h**l out of you because they do all the things you are told not to do when learning english. and americans fail at spelling and grammar

  2. Find a boyfriend or girlfriend.

  3. speak english

  4. If you don't have English native speakers available to practice with, try this. Find a speech, such as Barack Obama's 2004 "Audacity of Hope" speech at the Democratic convention

    and attempt to repeat every word as he goes along. There will be some words you cannot understand, so first read along with the written version of the speech (below the video box on the page) to figure out everything he is saying.

    But then you should mostly try to follow and orally reproduce the speech without the written reference. This will give you the opportunity to notice and imitate the intonations and speech patterns of American English. It will take quite a few tries before you can say every word right along with him or immediately afterward. It is all good practice, though. The idea is to force yourself to use the right hemisphere of the brain (hearing and speaking) rather than the left hemisphere (reading and writing). Eventually the two hemispheres must learn to work together.

    If you prefer British English, choose a British speaker instead and follow the same procedure.

  5. Well the simple answer is that you need  to practice. If you have access to other people that speak english try and look for occasions where you can talk, perhaps set up your own social group. If there isn't anyone near you, you could invest in a webcam and try and find a penpal for chatting to. You will have to be careful as some sites are more for rude purposes, this site says it's just for making friends, and allows webcams,

    Good luck!

  6. you can't be good at writing if your speaking isn't good for writing and speaking are two sides of one activity

    the best and the only advice "speak as often as possible", you will never make progress if you avoid speaking inventing excuses like "nobody wants to talk to me" or "i'm too shy, i'd better listen for a while"

    it's all about efforts

  7. read more books, make net friends that are english or speak english! if you read loud its better.

  8. Get yourself a good radio and tune in to BBC radio world service. Should help you a lot.

  9. try harder

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