
How could I land a part in a TV series?

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I'm 15, and I love acting. My dream is to be on the Disney Channel. I know, it sounds corny, but I want to act more than anything. I have experience. So... How do I manage to contact the headquarters and maybe send in a video? I live in North Carolina.

I know, I know, I could act for a living without hitting it big, but I've done research and most actors/actresses that do it for a living and aren't BIG make around $6 an hour. And they don't keep a part, they have to constantly look for and keep up with parts in things or they will have no income.




  1. Hire an agent!And join the screen actors guild.Many will audition,few will get the part.Disney channel will only use you while you fit their target audience(1-18years old).You need to try other people that can employ you.How many casting calls can you do in one day for weeks at a time?I feel more comfortable behind the camera,than in front of it.Be ready to adapt to what the part calls for.Disney has many agents pressuring them to hire their clients,and hundreds of people waiting in the wings.

  2. yes. exactly.  thats what actors do.  they constantly look for the next part.  thats the deal.  if you arent willing to do that you shouldnt pursue this profession!  it cant be all or nothing.  even actors who make it "big" sometimes have a couple years before they find another part, and although they in some cases might have more funds saved, the stress and search for work is still the same.  acting work is gig-to-gig no matter where you are in your career.

    what kind of experience do you have?  do you have an agent?  have you done a commercial?  have you had small parts in feature films?  google open call disney auditions and go to them.  you can also google disney castng for their contact info and send in an audition tape with your headshot and resume if you like.  but they get millions of these so its not really very realistic.  if you want success, you should keep working at it and look more to the future.  you are probably not going to be an overnight success/child star. if you want success though, you can have it.  its going to involve more experience, more classes, more research, and a college education.

  3. more than anything. your going to need resume and headshots. after that, find an agent! i find this to be very helpful:

    also, you can find many auditions online, right now im currently trying to submit myself on a role. heres the website:

    you could also just google some auditons for disney channel. just be careful what you sign up for! if it requires your personal house adress or some upfront/ advanced payment, its usually a scam so be careful!

    good luck =]

  4. look for auditions here: hollywood-opportunities(dotcom)

  5. search on google or yahoo for disney auditions, and email a video of you acting to them. but that actinginfo.blogspot thing is no good. you send in stuff and then they want money, never pay anyone to get you a job

  6. To answer your last question first, Disney gets all those people because their agents submitted them for the parts.  I promise you, for every part you see on TV, there were hundreds of applicants.  

    You can keep your dream, fine, but temper it with a dash of reality.  You need to be in LA to be available for auditions, and having an agent is a necessity for LA auditions.  Those kids you see didn't just "send in a video."

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