
How could I love myself more? I hate myself...

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Ok.. I know it is stupid to hate yourself but can you just give me some tips on how to like myself more... i hate the way i act, talk, walk, attitude, sense of humous, my APPEARANCE and EVERYTHING. Everyday I woke up I feel really bad... dont want to live no more.. And any tips on how to improve my looks because right now I HATE it soo much.. Just wish I could be pretty like all my friend at school.




  1. Whatever you do, do not say that you don't wanna live anymore. That is terrible. Believe it or not YOU probably think you are ugly, but OTHERS may think you are beautiful. You should embrace your quirks and love yourself. I think you should sit down with a trusted adult and tell them how you feel. I'm sure they can help you much more than we can through the internet. Good luck! Hope this helps! And even though I don't know you if you ever need anymore advice you can email me. :]

  2. Hi. You shouldn't hate yourself. You probably don't give yourself the credit you deserve. I once knew a girl who was gorgeous but thought she was ugly. Lots of guys were after her but she was always sad so they eventually left her alone. If you have self esteem issues you can get a haircut or get contacts if you wear glasses and do other things that will help improve your appearance, such as dressing in figure flattering clothes. And if you have all those friends in school then its obvious that they like the way you talk, walk, and your sense of humor. You are your own worse ctritic, so ease up on yourself and appreciate the good things about yourself. Good luck=]

  3. try to find the good in your self thats what i do

  4. Just know that what you're feeling is normal teenage stuff.  It will pass, but it might take awhile.  If you're a good person, just continue to be a good person.  Eventually you will learn to like your best qualities.

  5. Dear young person,

    it appears that you are trying to live up to the expectations of modern day society. too much emphasis is placed on the shallow effects of ones personality than the true originality of the person. i am an odd individual as compared to the adverage guy. i'm 52 years old now and i have spent all of my mortal life(beginning at 7 yrs. old) just perfecting my oddity. you see, i can appreciate the difference of me; that's what makes me original and, as odd as i am i've had quite a number of other individuals who've tried to copy my oddness. so you see, being different is actually a good thing. instead of "listening to others" and wanting to "be like" try being heard for once, stand up for you...that's loving yourself; being yourself and "Who" you are aside from the worlds view and opinion of who and what you should be...just be you. i have confidence in you. God bless and keep you.

  6. you want to know what helps me? no lie, this always does the trick-- put on your favourite outfit, then turn up your favourite song ALL THE WAY. dance, sing, scream. have a blast.

  7. Are people telling you these things? Because you cannot listen to them. Be yourself.

    If your friends are picking on you for being yourself, they aren't very good friends. I had that same problem for a *long* time, I felt that I wasn't pretty, that I wasn't smart, I didn't have any humor, and just that I was some stupid pathetic thing.

    I still feel that way sometimes, but I gained confidence. It helps to talk to people, and, it may seem like you want pity, but really you just want someone to tell you you are pretty. One thing that helps is to pick a style of hair or some makeup you like, and try doing up your face with it. Just no matter what be yourself - I learned that the hard way.

  8. if youre not happy with the way you look, you have to change what you dont like.


    if its your weight,

    lose or gain some.

    if its your hair,

    try a new colour, cut, or style.

    if its your clothes, get some new ones.

    its easy.

  9. How old are you? You remind me of myself a couple of months ago. I honestly hated the way I looked..and I envied pretty people, the way they dressed, the way they acted and how EVERYONE loved them, the way they walked talked and everything they did. I hate the feeling.. Waking up and still being you. It took me awhile to turn the negative thoughts of me into poitive ones. Tbh, one thing I did that changed my way of thinking is to get some books related with teenager and self esteem. I suggest you to try that and you'll change the way you think about urself :). Don't listen to people when they call you ugly or none of that. (I'm pretty sure that's one of the reasons u hate urself). No matter how a person looks, if she's confident, she's pretty

  10. I'm sorry you feel that way.  Do you have anyone that you can talk to?  Parent, sister, aunt, friend, school psychologist?  Anyone that you can confide in?

    I know this is very Oprah but every morning when you first wake up and every night just before bed, come up with 5 things that you like about yourself.

    Also focus on finding something that you are passionate about and up your energies into it.  Play music.  Volunteer at an old folks home.  Read about lost cultures.  Anything that will occupy your mind and your time.  It will also build skills and interesting things about yourself.  

    Everyone has something special about them.  Every person has something beautiful about them.  You just need to find yours.

    Speaking as a guy, there isn't much more beautiful and attractive than a confident capable woman.  

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