
How could I prevent losing time in my daily works schedule ?

by  |  earlier

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These days I`m very busy and I found I should change my life style to control time in daily hours . I`m sad for doing a few works in 24 hours . I couldn`t finish my daily works schedule and projects on time ! I`m not able to do a longtime life schedule in my life times.

I`m a pensive boy for these events in my life :( , for example I like to read some books in one month but usually I give up them soon because I found that I couldn`t read them in an specific time and continuing read those books may stop me to do my other new or old jobs !

Can anybody give me a key for this big problem ?


Good Boy :)




  1. Keep a journal as to what you are doing, hour by hour, over the course of a week. Reviewing the journal should give you further insight into how to budget your time more effectively.

  2. nyet! grow now, prune later!

  3. Huh?

    If English isn't your first language, you should consider clicking an appropriate flag near the bottom of the screen and posting in a language you're more fluent in. Your post is really hard to read or understand.

    You haven't explained your problem clearly AT ALL, so it's impossible to say much.

    Having a complete schedule for your life and expecting life to actually work out that way is just silly. Things take however long they take.

    So, stop dropping a book, just because you didn't finish it on your completely unrealistic schedule. It's better to actually read a whole book than 3 part books. The way you're going, you'll never finish any book.

    You're schedule is unrealistic. Either stop trying to live by a schedule, or remake your schedule to be more realistic.

    The first would be better, as, if you live ONLY by your schedule, you'll miss out on 90% of the good things in life.

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