
How could I protect myself from a solar eclipse?

by Guest61757  |  earlier

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How could I protect myself from a solar eclipse?




  1. .the solar eclipse won't harm you that much... but you can be careful.. so you can wear shades to protect your eyes.. ya know i would really love to see a solar eclipse!!

  2. view through polarized glasses

  3. Buy a cool flashlight and make shadows. :]

  4. If you mean, while using a telescope or pair of binoculars, then you must take the same steps that you would take when looking at the sun.  You must use a full aperture sun filter;  either the glass adapters made by the manufacturer of your optics, or the home made type using a special solar film material.  Make sure that either is securely fastened and taped into place, and be careful.  If you use the wrong type of filter, if you use anything less then a full aperture (especially avoid the old s***w in eyepiece type) filter, you can end up with serious and permanent eye damage in a small fraction of a second.  The heat generated, by even modest optics, is enough to melt and shatter unprotected telescope components; and, that is glass and steel, the damage to the sensitive tissues of the eye will leave you blind.

  5. I'm assuming you were referring to how you can watch the eclipse without injuring your eyes.  You'll need special eclipse glasses in order to view it safely -- if you're in an area where the eclipse will be visible, there are probably a ton of shops that are selling them, since it's a great opportunity for them to make some extra cash.  You can usually get them for pretty cheap.

    Do NOT look directly at the eclipse if you don't have the proper glasses -- even regular sun glasses or tanning goggles aren't enough to protect your eyes -- and definitely don't look at it with bare eyes.

  6. Cut four large equilateral triangles out of plywood and attach them together to form an equilateral pyramid.  Set inside of that during the eclipse.

    And don't forget to wear a tinfoil hat.

    (I should be ashamed of myself.  I really should..... ☺)


  7. I don't know what you think the eclipse is going to do to you.  As usual, don't stare directly at the Sun.  I know it's tempting, but just because it's not as bright as usual doesn't mean it's safe to stare at for extended periods of time.  Other than that, you're fine.

  8. protectt wut

  9. Run outdoors, don't stay indoors or close to buildings which might collapse. Search high ground and wait until the eclipse is over.

    But what ever you do: Don't look directly into the sun and especially not with binoculars. sun glasses are not enough to protect your eyes. Take some welding glasses thats usually the best and cheapest you can get for seeing the eclipse. But that rules also apply for seeing the sun between two eclipses.

  10. A parasol is the only thing.

  11. Here you go:

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