
How could I start a MUTUAL FUND at age 14?

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How could I start a MUTUAL FUND at age 14? Me and my friend are very entreprenuric and have been studying this stuff all are lives and know a lot of contacts and people who do these kind of things.




  1. First of all dont let anyone discourage you. Second of all forget mutual funds, they are dinosaurs of the past, look into starting a hedge fund instead.

    If you can generate and audit returns of over 15 to 20% for about 2 or 3 years you can easily set it up before you are 18.

    The returns HAVE to be with real money. No one will give you money for papertrading. So invest in your education and hit the markets at a young age.

  2. Ok there are two ways to do this.

    Number one: close your eyes and think really, really hard, and maybe it will come true.  If it doesn't, try again.  Repeat for about twenty minutes.

    Number two: put a few financial reports under your pillow.  The mutual fund fairy should come and sprinkle you with fairy dust.

    I hope you have a sense of humor.  You are too young to even own your stocks (age of majority is 18+) so you would  be 18 and your parents would be managing the fund for you.  You would have no background, and nobody would give you their money.  Even if they would, why would they give their money to a genius 14-year old when they can give it to a genius 40 year old when doing something "all their lives" really means something?  I'm sorry to burst your bubble here, but you are likely looking at a four year college, becoming an analyst, and rising to the top or waiting until you are reputable as an analyst for several years.  Anyway, I myself am 18, and have put about 350 hours into the market.  If you do know what you are doing, and it sounds like you may, feel free to email me and we can share ideas.

    P.S. - why not learn to trade?  Four years of experience and when you turn 18 you won't need to work a day in your life (assuming you have a decent sized trading account by then)!  I wish I started back when I was your age.  Good luck.

  3. By investing in solid companies on your own behalf? Create your own mutual fund.

  4. You will not get approval from the SEC. since in the US you must be 18 years old to enter into a contract, there are some states that require the age of 21

    Other than that minor problem. it's very simple,

    Just file the proper application form with the Securities & Exchange Commission

    Make sure you have at least $50,000  of net capital (not paid in) and have it audited that there is in fact sufficient capital on hand, the audit must be certified

    Be prepared to file a prospectus with the Commission along with your application fee, and the prospectus must have a bonifide legal opinion attached

    Have a full & complete business plan, addressing the investment objectives and the type of investments that will be made.  The types & objectives must be specific.

    Have a full & complete detailed explaination of the record keeping that will be employed and the backup systems that will be inforce.

    Detail description of the clearing process of all transaction, including all re-org processes, dividends, and transfer (both regular & legal)  that will be employed and the procedure for the safekeeping of securities.

    A detail description of sales solicitation and advertising materials.

    There are other items that you will be needing, but when you file your application, the Commission will provide a list of other areas that you need to address before approval will be give.

    You can also get some help by refering the Securities & Exchange Act of 1933 & 194

    To start a fund you do not need to be registered, as an individual, with the FINRA (NASD) as one respnder has stated.

  5. First create a mock portfolio so that you can establish some history. People will be reluctant to part with their money to very young managers unless they have a reason to believe you'll do well.

    Set up a mock portfolio on a site like, so that people can see how good you and your friends are. You could all co-manage a portfolio on

  6. You need serious credentials to manage a fund.  I doubt anyone would trust a 14 year old to manage a mutual fund unless he is a proven finacialist genius/expert.  You would need some serious backing from financial experts to be trusted by normal people.  A degree from a respected business college would probably be your first step.  Don't want to crush your dream but goodluck it is not happening.

  7. Well, to put it can't!!!!!!!!!!!

    The SEC will never let you do this.  To even get the proper licenses (most states would require you to earn your Series 7 and a Series 63 or 66), you would have to work for a securities firm recognized by the National Association of Securities Dealers (the NASD).  No such investment firm would ever even consider hiring a 14-year-old, let alone sponsoring your for your dealers licenses!  The cost to the firm is substantial.

    I suppose if you had a few million dollars kicking around, you could just start your own company and try to get licensed by the NASD, but that would take a few years, and several hundred thousand dollars, if you ignore all of the SEC requirements you would have to meet.

    To even pass your NASD license exams would take hundreds of hours of diligent study, never mind an understanding of the technical aspects of finance that I can guarantee you that you do not have.

    And for what?  So your middle school friends could invest with you?  Good luck making any money as a manager from that!  Even if you maxed out management fees, and took more than 5% of Assets Under Management (AUM) annually, and got 50 buddies to invest $2k each, you would only be making $5k/year!  You would have no shot at even being able to pay for a lawyer to submit the regulatory paperwork for that!

    Just start an investing club if you really want to, but really, you will not even have a shot at being a mutual find manager for about another 20 years.

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