
How could I start this business?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so I'm in college. I really love to cook, and I've noticed that most other students just buy frozen dinners, top ramen, etc. The meal plans are so overpriced here that everyone just tries to cook themselves.

So I was thinking, what if I started making meals, freezing them, and selling them with directions on how to cook them? I know it's not the most original idea, but I think it could definetly be done.

So how do you go about this kind of stuff? Does anyone have any advice?




  1. I have spent the last 4 mo. of my life living your situation.

    The best advice I can give you is there is nothing wrong with starting out small, really small. Begin "servicing" your personal network of friends, and build from there.

    I was able to learn as I grew, do not rely on anybody else's knowledge, good intenders can also be misinformed. It feels good to be confident that all steps forward are solid.

    It sounds like you have a promising idea, protect it by knowing how to care for it. DO NOT forget about licenses, insurance, etc.. especially since you would be working with food.

    Good Luck! and remember some of the best success stories begin with " I started out with practically nothing"

  2. I like all the other answers a lot. How about a twist to the idea?

    What do you know about celiac disease? It is an allegy to the gluten protein found in wheat and barley and other grains. I bet you've noticed the increase in "Gluten Free" food offered for sale in the supermarket. One estimate is 1 of 120 people have this allergy. The numbers seem to be growing. If you can serve this niche market with your idea, you will have a unique advantage. There is a lot to learn but there is a lot of very good information available for free on the web.

    If you get good, you could market your expertise to restaurants who may want to try and capture this market. Celiacs often cannot eat much of anyting at any regular restaurant so they and their families don't eat out.  

    Outback Steakhouse offers a complete gluten free menu of food at their restaurants. There are very few that can compete.

    Learn how to make gluten free muffins that taste good and sell to local stores. Expand this idea to desserts. This will become a huge opportunity for entrepreneurs in the coming years.

    2 in my family have this condition and it is a real burden. Almost every kind of processed food has some gluten in it. Life is surprisingly difficult for these people. They (we) are more than willing to pay a premium for good food that is safe to eat.

    Want to find a highly motivated partner or some direct training and advice? Find someone with celiac! Put a sign up at the cafeteria. Most college food service companies do a terrible job at serving safe food for celiac patients. It's actually an ADA504 issue. There are opportunities in the legal area, too, but I digress.

    You could offer to research the whole issue for your college dining service, especially if they don't have a clue. You might work it into a paid internship that benefits the college, the celiac patients and you. It will be cheaper for them than defending the coming lawsuits if they don't address the issue in some fashion

    Good luck!

  3. Find someone who's done it and see if they are willing to share their wisdom.  I'm in travel, so I don't know much about starting such an endeavor from scratch.

    If I can help service you travel needs, let me know.

  4. That is a great idea and could certainly work if the meals are fairly priced and of course taste good. I remember six years of school and lived of basically rice and chicken, ramen and lean pockets.

    Only problem I see you running into is where you would plan on making the dinners, packing, storage. All that is regulated by the health department and has to be all approved before you start making sales.

    My suggestion is start making a few meals here and there. Have your friends, roommates, boyfriend and his friends try them out. Give you all the feedback you need good or bad.  Have a list of questions they can fill out for you such as and not limited too.

    1) What did you like about the meal?

    2) Dislikes.

    3) What else would you like to see in these meals

    4) What would you pay for a meal like this.


    Than if you get serious enough to start mass producing these meals I would suggest looking first a kitchen that will allow you to prepare the meals. I suggest looking into churches or on local centers that have kitchen that are approved by the health department.

    I hope some of this information can help you out. Good luck and you will do great.

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