
How could I turn my ordinary snowboard into a trampoline board?

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I need something BESIDES DUCK TAPE to cover up the edges.




  1. If you're worried about residual glue, try that blue painters tape.  Comes off clean.  Not sure how well it would hold up though.

    If you have an old deck, just take off all of the edges and make it into a jib board.  Plenty of pros do it for their jib decks so they won't catch any edges on rails.

  2. ok here is on tricky situation i have done this a couple times you need to sand the board down a little it will look a little scrapy but it make it flex better then take some carpenter tape and put it on the edges of the board now youre set to go

  3. Go to Toys R US or something like that and get some pool noodles. Cut a slit down one side of them and slide them onto your edges. They should stick pretty well but sometimes you might need to use a little painter's tape. This method will be the safest and least board damaging way to do it. Also if you are practicing a certain grab you can cut away a small section of noodle in the area where you are grabbing so that it is like target practice.

  4. you need to cover the edges, so if you don't want to use duct tape then use masking tape or something.  Thats what you do, tape up the edges

    why are you so against taping the edges anyway?  it wont hurt the board.

  5. I'm assuming he wants to tape them so he doesn't put a hole in his trampoline.

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