
How could PETA support child molesters, but lobby to put the kitten killer in prison?

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The guy that killed the cat in the mirco...they wantd him to have life in prison. PETA can care less if a child molestor gets 2 days. Why are their priorities so screwed up? The guy is sick to do that to a kitten, but 8 years??? Rapists get out in 6 months. Why would PETA not give their terrorist money to a good cause...not worthless animals.




  1. it's not PETA's fault you were molested; but oh well, there's organizations for your cause as well.

  2. aminals arent worthless

    but PETA is filled with ppl who just need to rly get things straight they are xtremists

    PETA can also stand for ppl eat tasty aminals :D

  3. I don't think rapists get out in 6 months or there would be alot more rape.

  4. they do give their money to a good cause  wonderful animals  the  human  animals  cops  and  the  courts  deal  with  them

  5. Whhhhat?

  6. thats horrible!!

  7. "Why would PETA not give their terrorist money to a good cause...not worthless animals."

    Gandhi said a society can be judged by the way they treat animals. Most American pet owners LOVE their pets.

    And PETA has nothing to do with anything BUT animals. They do not get involved in human issues because that is not their purpose. Neither does the Humane Society, ASPCA or others.

    I disagree with a lot of PETA rhetoric, but they have done some very good things and raised awareness. Before them, animal testing for cosmetics and other industries was atrocious.

    Plus, torturing animals is one sign of psychotic behavior.

  8. You are uneducated.

  9. it has never made any sense to me, PETA, considering humans are animals and they don't care about their fellow humans. they only care about the lifes of delicious animals.

  10. Do you hear it on Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Micheal Savage, Neil Borque or Mark Lavine, sounds like c**p they would come up with.  However, I am really sorry that your were molested, was it your father.

  11. Animals aren't worthless. They don't support child molesters. They view animals as equals and try to promote that idea.

  12. i would like too see the proof behind this but if it all checks out then yes, thats pretty insane

    I have never been a big PETA fan, theres alot better things to be trying to fix in the world then cfruelty to animals.

  13. PETA has to do with animals. you know we have to many people in the world as it is. there isnt gonna be a tragety because 1 kid dies. im sorry. but no one cares... I feel more for a kitten then a kid. i would EAT a kid before i even thought about eating a kitten. and there both veryyyy disgusting to eat  <.<    im sorry. but its true.

    PETA has nothing to do with Children or Molesters

    k. thanx

  14. Did some PETA person support a child molester?

    Or do you expect people who feel passionately to feel passionate about everything or they aren't really passionate?

    That would get tiring.

    I don't support PETA, I think they are off the wall, but they have a point in that the person who gets off killing animals tends to grow up to terrorize others.

    Wouldn't it make more sense if you picketed your state congress to make rape a mandatory longer sentence, rather than blame PETA for the short sentence in your state?

  15. Not really sure why there is even a group for the ethical treatment of animals but whatever, it takes all to make it work, right? Anyway, I completely agree with you.

    They're a large group of IDIOTS is all i can say about PETA.

    Too MUCH MONEY and time and NOT NEARLY enough brains.

    I dont believe in microwaving animals or treating them cruely.

    As for the s*x offenders and felons, well sometimes things may not have happened exactly as media or rumor has portrayed, henceforth that they cannot punish each one exactly the same. I do believe that anyone charged with a sexual crime should have to spend a min. of 2 years in prison. Given that the victim was over the age of puberty, by that time they know what is going on and if they dont maybe the parents ought to be blamed.???

    As for all the ppl that answered and assumed that you meant that PETA ought to fight childs rights and things; I think what you meant to say was that there shoudlnt even be a PETA, that there should  be an association for children that have been molested that fights just as hard if not harder for them rather than for some dumb animal that can be replaced in a day or less!!!

  16. the thing is that just because they dont do something about something doesnt mean that they support it. Given that, that means that you support child molestation too because ive never heard of you ever doing anything against rapers

  17. If someone told you that PETA supports child molesters, and you believed it, then YOU are criminally gullible.  Luckily for you, there is no law against you being such a sucker.

    Me, I'm no PETA supporter, but, I also beleive that anyone who would, intentionally cause unnecessary hurt to any kind of living creature has some serious mental issues and should be treated like someone who can, potentially cause the same kind of harm to a human being.

    The thing is, as far as where PETA chooses to spend their money is THEIR business.  Have you ever donated money to United Way?  Have you EVER dropped a quarter or so in the Salvation Army kettle.  I could very easily accuse you of supporting child molesters because you put your charity money in those other funds, instead of to the "good cause" of putting child molesters in jail.

    YOU talk about screwed up priorities?

  18. I'm sorry, but where do you get your information? Ann Coulter books?

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