
How could a Community Organizer from Chitown Inspire a Kennedy?

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Caroline kennedy is trying hard to legitimize BHO and failing miserably. She is having more luck with "Uncle Teddy".

What say you?

Is she being a good Democrat...or...

She is in the tank for the youth movement in the Democrat Party?

Please, opine if you have the time...and no lib diatribes please!




  1. I believe that she's being a good Democrat. There are many Democrats that find it hard to accept Obama especially after the books and scandals that have been exposed/written in the last few months. He father was young too, but he served his country in WWII and then was in Washington for a few years.  

  2. My best guest is she's being a 'good democrat', as for Ted Kennedy -well he's getting quite old & you know how that goes -seems the Kennedys' are going whichever way the wind is blowin' these days.. I never found the Kennedy's themselves that inspirational in any way, period. JFK/Johnson  helped us into that quagmire called Vietnam..

  3. Like most liberals she feels compelled to "have friends that are black."

    Political correctness at it's worse.

  4. One must wonder how a mainstream liberal family like the Kennedys could throw one of their own (Hillary) under the bus for a rookie racist from Chi-town!

  5.   The female's in the Kennedy clan were more inspired by Hillary, but for party unity are trying their damnedest to convince everyone of their sincerity towards Obama.

    Teddy used Obama to beat Hillary.  He was more opposed to the Clinton's than he was in favor of Obama.  Caroline needs to either get into politics or get out.  This part time nonsense isn't exactly inspirational !

  6. Now Caroline is a work----grrr.

    as a matter of fact Obama did do some community organizing--as in the "Million man March" on Washington.

  7. Bill, the new far left has a hard time embracing old line liberals like the Kennedy's.  She will be encumbered by her families fame and history.  Being a Kennedy isn't enough to make you legitimate to the young left wing movement.  Caroline would have to take a cabinet position in Russia and return to America with a wife, a john lennon tatoo across her forehead, and a bone thru her nose  before she would be taken seriously.

    Being a good democrat just isn't enough anymore.

  8. Obviously it doesn't take honor and stability to impress a Kennedy.

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