
How could a good diet plan make me look fit

by Guest21158  |  11 years, 3 month(s) ago

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How could a good diet plan make me look fit?

I want to lose about 20 pounds as mentioned in many previous post. Just to list the details again, i am 16 years old, 150cm tall and weigh 50kg! Namely, I would like to get my hands on a "finished" diet plan, something that has been used by others to work over the long run but please only provide one with your recommendations as to what will help me stick to it. It should include, what time and what may be eaten/should/is best! And though I currently have Alder, which means I'm at home the whole day!
my current routine is:
Now to my sport: every day (Mon Fri/Sat) 1 h Wii Fit plus
3-5 times a week jogging on our Lufband 12Minuten
1-2 times a week at home Zumba
usually 2 times a week for 10min music (situps...)
Tuesdays at 17.30h one hour ride
2 times a week walking (30-45 min)In good weather and when was is in our pool!
Now, I don't like this and want a more finished plan.

Please tell me when I eat the meal how much I eat and what is best for this meal. And also activity should i be doing before and after eating! The plan should go from Mon-Sun!

 Tags: diet, fit, look, plan



  1. honestly the weight fits already...

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Latest activity: 11 years, 3 month(s) ago.
This question has 1 answers.


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