
How could a women with a PHd in Developmental Psychology not know how to raise her 2 kids??

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she ha 2 kids, ages 2 and 5, and they do whatever they want, she puts them in front of the TV all day, doesnt bring them outside and feeds them junk food and lets them sleep in her bed even though she doesnt want them to. the 5 year old still uses sippy cups, and her 2 year old is very smasrt and talks very well but she lets her suck on a binky all day. she also doesnt make the older one get buckled if shes too cranky to be convinced to get buckled.

how could someone with so many years in developmental pscyhology classes know so little about how bad tv is, etc???

im baffled




  1. There's nothing wrong with a 5yo using a sippy. The child is using a regular cup at school. When you go to a fast-food restaurant, they give you a lid and straw, what's the difference??

    There is also nothing wrong with a child having a binky. As long as it is gone by the time the permanent teeth come in, it will not harm the child's teeth.

    There is also nothing wrong with them sleeping with her. That's a family decision. It isn't causing them any harm.

    The binky and the bed thing may be comforting issues. Maybe, something is going on that you don't know about and the children NEED that time with mom.

    Her decision to let them watch TV is just that, her decision. Maybe, she feels there is something to learn on the shows they watch. Maybe, they don't really watch, but play and it happens to be on. The 2 yo must be learning all that from somewhere.

  2. How does a woman who cannot even use spell check feel, judging someone else??

    I am baffled too.

  3. practical knowledge is different than clinical/book smarts. she isn;t applying them

  4. If your assessment is accurate, I don't think her fancy sounding degree has saved her from being lazy.

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