
How could anybody in their right mind vote for John McCain?

by Guest56885  |  earlier

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Seriously this has gone far enough people.




  1. because we actually have morals  

  2. What is McCain's trigger word to blow up...

  3. Because we are in our right minds.

    Get over it.

  4. Because ... they ARE in their right mind !!! ... Unlike the JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama Supporters !!!

    Obama is going to give our sovereignty over to the United Nations through his Global Poverty Act (S.2433).

    Alaska Govermor Sarah Palin has MORE TOTAL political experience than Obama.


  5. They will follow anyone other than a black man

    Bush just told them too....gave them his blessing to carry on as usual

    Look at convention

    Sea of white faces waving blue cards with "Country First" as if the republicans are only ones who love the country

    CNN ...had to search for young people to talk to


  6. I have no idea, and it is really annoying. I cannot stand McCain supporters, they think they are righteous, and want to preach religion. Haven't they heard Separation of the State and Church? And just look at Palin's own family drama.

    Is it November 2nd yet? I am sick and tired of Republicans!

  7. I agree. John McCain says he is for change now, but there is a commercial where he states he voted with President Bush 90% of the time? So is that 10% change? He is going to have to raise taxes, this country is in dire straits financially due to the wars. Naming Sarah Palin is clearly a ploy to go after the women voters left behind by Senator Clinton. I am thinking desperation time.

  8. Is that a pun. "Right Mind" - "John McCain"

  9. The same could be said for Obama.

    Seriously, this HAS gone far enough, people.

    Have you ever considered there may be people with differing points of view than yours? Possibly, just possibly, these people do not like Obama's plans for their country and that's why they will vote for McCain.  

  10. Everyone has their own opinions.

    I believe John McCain will help the country and Obama will ruin the country.

    It doesn't mean that I am right or wrong it just means that I am Republican and I feel McCain is much more qualified than Obama and what McCain stands for is much better than what Obama stands for.

    It all just depends on what you believe in. I think you would have to be crazy to vote for Obama, but there are people with different opinions from me, which is why this race is so close.


    Mimi, The president didn't go to the convention, get your facts straight, he spoke via satellite. He is Republican and he has a better favor rating than Congress right now (Which is a Democratic Majority)

    Nancy Pelosi went to the DNC, that goes to show you what kind of change Obama is going to bring.

    See how it can be spun both ways?

  11. One thing about these little questions is the OP always seems to be iso someone to agree with them without any logic, reasoning or explanation provided.  

    Assuming right mind as defined by competence, capacity, intelligence, ability & knowledge...  I'm curious to read why the OP is choosing their candidate. Since none was provided is it fair to assume this decision (that could 'change' history) is based on nothing? Seinfeld had a show about nothing and made a small fortune. I wouldn't write him in for President though.

    I sincerely hope the OP can provide some logic, reasoning or rationale (now & long term) why they've selected their candidate. I'll let you cheat - you can use the internet to do your fact finding. It's an amazing resource & here's a surprise - - the candidates have websites & the senate has something called roll calls so you can see how they actually voted over the course of their careers to check for consistency. But of course, the OP already knew that hence this brainiac question.

  12. I have asked myself this every day since he won. I have yet to discover even one compelling reason to vote for McCain.

  13. People who want the United States to stay just like it is today! Just note the president of the United States went to the RNC now that tells you what difference its gonna make having McCain as president. Now if you want Change OBAMA IS THE MAN.  

  14. "in their right mind"--those are the key words right there.

  15. You place the card into the machine, move the pointer to McCain, and pull down the lever.

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