
How could anyone on Noahs Ark stand the animals?

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With all those animals aboard the stink from b. movements and urine must have been horrible. And just where did all the food come from to fed these animals? If you believe this fairy tale, then you must have a logical answer. (Definition of 'logical' can be found in any Webster dictionary)




  1. The dinosaurs all commited suicide.  I am the only survivor.

  2. and if you had a logical answer for life you wouldn't believe in evolution. my answer, God performed many miracles, some of them unknown, this must have been one of them.

  3. Ok! no person living today was there to say exactly how things went but, It is not impossible for God to do as he wills. JUst a thought on my part but, maybe there was enough food to feed all the animals well enough after their journey to Noah  that God could have put them into hibernation until the time when they could leave the ark. While in hibernation animals don't have much if any bowl movements, they form a plug in their colon like happens to groundhogs when they hibernate. Like I said, no alive today was there and this is just my thought.

  4. Noah's ark only existed in La La Land.

    I am with you, there is no possible scientific way that this could have existed.  do you honestly believe that the rats and the snakes stayed on the ark as friends?  This is scientifically impossible!

  5. Another detail -

    The animals did not have to be full grown. Less food.

    The ark had windows all around. Throw it out?

    They were on the ark for a year and 10 days. Could there have been growing bins near the windows for things that grow quickly? Onions? Radishes? Lettuce? For people and animals.

    The animals were brought to Noah according to the Biblical account. And it was only "kinds", not every single species that we know of today.

    One set of dogs for dogs.

    One set of cats for cats.

    Logical thinking opens up many plausible explanations.  

  6. Heck, I shoveled the waste over the side and we had one of them things like on 'Star Trek' and I just said 'bail O hay' and derned if it weren't there.  Shucks feller lighten up you are wound to tight.

  7. See if I think on it I start to think d**n imagine that all that c**p form camels d**n but then simple answer God is a god of miracles he probably stopped the animals from urniating and crapping and fed them and Noahs family with the holy spirit.

  8. what I would like to know is how could Noah have possibly managed to find one male and one female of every single species to put on the ship when there are millions of different insects alone and not all of the species are from the same area of the world. I had never really questioned religion until recently but I took it upon myself to read the book of Genesis and Honestly, nothing makes much sense at all. Like for instance, They say Adam lived for hundreds of years and over time people started living for shorter lengths of time but history shows that people are now living for longer than they used to. Another thing, If God created the earth in seven days, when did Dinosours roam the earth?  

  9. No one could have stood it.  Nor could any wooden cell contain a Tyranosaurus.  Nor could have Kangaroos got there.  Nor could they have fed a Koala.  And on an on forever.....It is so incredibly stupid, it's beyond comprehension.

  10. I myself don't buy the fairy tale.  But to answer your question, the people on board such a boat might smell a bit themselves.  Maybe they wouldn't notice the smell quite so much as you or I.  

  11. Well back in the ancient times everyone crapped pudding and pissed lemonade......oh and people lived 900 years,

  12. If you are a farmer, you would know you kind of get used to it.  We can only assume Noah and his crew stowed hay, feed, straw, etc., for the animals and pitched the straw and manure overboard to keep the place cleaned up.  Believe what you will.  It's a personal choice, and only yours and is nobody else's business.  Just like you shouldn't care what we believe--it doesn't affect you one way or the other.  There is no law that we have to be logical.

  13. one theory states that perhaps God put the animals in a type of hybernation or sleep. Hence, the animals would not require food, nor would they deficate or urinate, and the ark would remain rather peaceful(except for the considerable ruckus going on outside from the great storm). Also, do keep in mind that according to the Biblical record, the size of the ark in cubits would be roughly the size of a football field and 3 levels high. In such a confinement the animals would only take up about one-third of the ark. And if dinosaurs are in question, they would still fit, but personally i think that they would be juveniles, therefore they wouldnt take up more space then a horse or hippo.

    hope this helps!

    keep searching for truth and test the Bible! the answers are there! i promise!

  14. Noah had the good sense to take enough food along for them all. The Animals were in the Hull of the ship and the people on the deck. Also they were good people who cared about the animals and the future of this planet, not like a lot of people today.

  15. God must have told them what to do,  God knows what he is doing.

  16. There were not that many animals. From each pair came the huge variety we have within categories of species today. The bible talks about God setting that process of species development up. The Ark was not a submarine. Animal waste could have easily been tossed.

       I tend to believe huge landslides from the flood waters are what covered the many trees found all over the earth in the layers of rock rather than the idea that trees stood for hundreds of millions of years while the earth's layers built up around them.  

  17. What I find funny is why did they have to do it that way to begin with???  Why couldn't God just save the ones he wanted and bring 'em back when the flood was over???  Or why not just remove all the unwanted and avoid the whole flood/ark/two of everything?  

    Another thought....after the flood...what happened to all the dead??? Ewww...just think of all those bloated corpses washed up in trees and everywhere...polluting the waters and I suppose Noah and the kids had to dig some pretty big holes for all them bodies..hmmmmm.

  18. h**l, if God could part the Red Sea, God could send a wind to tone down the smell of those f***s.

  19. noah had his family to help, and be sides. back then the animals

    were clean he also and his family were farmers. yes i believe

  20. They were in a state of hibernation so less bathroom needed

    They had three decks so it would not be hard to store the food needed.

    Less food required during hibernation times.

  21. its a load of bs if u ask me...god isnt controling anything... and if he is all mighty he would have known what he was doing when he was trying to wipe the slate clean and leave humans alive to s***w the world up...

  22. According to the Biblical text, Noah had over 100 years to build the ark which would have been an unmistakable witness to the impending judgment of God. Jesus not only referred to this event as a fact of history, but tied his imminent return to a time when the state of affairs on earth would be similar to those at the time of Noah (Matthew 24:37-39). If and when the ark is found, there will once again be an enormous monument pointing toward impending judgment. My hope when this happens is that those who have not placed their faith in Christ will wake up and do so because their opportunity may end soon.

    The most common question asked about the validity of Noah's ark is, "How could millions of different animals fit on one small boat?"

        * First, there were not millions of animals. Not every "kind" of animal was needed to be on board. According to the Biblical text., neither insects nor amphibians would have been taken on board. Only those animals which could not have survived a year long flood needed to be on board. Furthermore, every minor variation of animal (species) was not present. Wolves, foxes, coyote, and dogs could have come from an original dog kind.

        * Making the generous assumption that the average animal size is as large as a sheep, and between 2 and 7 of each kind of animal were taken, 16,000 sheep-size animals, at the most, would have been on board. This number could have been as low as 2000 if the Biblical "kind" is equivalent to the family level of modern animal classification. These numbers include every known living and extinct type of mammal, bird, amphibian, and reptile.

        * This was no small boat. Noah and his family had over 100 years to construct a vessel longer that a football field and three stories high. The total space available was equivalent to 522 railroad stock cars. A stock car holds 240 sheep so the ark could have held 125,000 animals.

        * At most, only 40% of the total space was needed for all of the animals! The remainder would be used for food and storage.

    The account of Noah's flood is similar to many other Biblical stories. They make perfect sense if you assume they mean exactly what they say and take time to study them carefully.

    In the 1980's archeologists believed they found the ark just north of an ancient Iraq town called "City of 6" (referring to the 6 people on the ark). They found a wooden ship frame identical the the dimensions given in the bible. Here is a picture :

    As for the problem with fresh air and urine on the boat. From the dig site it appears the boat was made in a remarkable fashion, similar to boats made by the ancient Chinese. It consists of basically two boats with the deck of the boat spanning the two hulls, in the middle there is a hole so that every time the boat passes over a wave fresh air is blown up into the hull. Its an extremely efficient and well known ship style for huge "ark-type" boats.

  23. If you don't buy it, then just move on.

    Why are atheists always so bothered by what they don't believe in?!

  24. urine and c**p didn't smell back then. because the gene pool was still robust.. that explains why 8 incestuous people repopulated the whole world with little genetic defect.

  25. You're being too literal.  It was a story of God's anger towards humanity, and of "wiping the slate clean".

  26. Click on the link below for a set of articles that will provide logical answers to explain the details about Noah's Ark. They are the articles from the April-June issue of Answers in Genesis Magazine.

  27. There was a special on the Discovery Channel that may help you on the Noah's Ark thing.  You may like that answer.  They use logic to answer it.  I think they said the Noah went to Petco.

    There are things that you have to take as faith.  If you don't have faith you will never be able to believe anything in the Bible or any other Religion for that matter.  Logic and faith never mix.

  28. Well I'm sure they did not smell so good themselves...Maybe they ate lot's of seafood.......hmmm, something to think about...

  29. "God must have told them what to do, God knows what he is doing."

    what a convenient excuse - I mean, answer!

    To answer the asker's question, I suppose God magically made it so that all the animals didn't need to eat.  I mean, we are talking about God bringing representatives from EVERY SPECIES ON EARTH to the Middle East, so obviously some magic was involved.

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