
How could anyone that claims to believe in god actually think it is ok to be g*y?

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god certainly did not say it was ok.

and, it is not ok.




  1. How could anyone claim to belive in God?

  2. According to your book, it is not your place to think it is ok or not.  Who are you to judge people for not obeying the laws of your book, especially when you don't either?

    edit:  According to your past question, you are a bit off anyway.  :;...

  3. because it is OK to be hetero, L*****n, g*y and Bi

    the bible's been re-edited and mistranslated and all-sorts so any positive message is lost in the confusion for some

    edit: "homosexual" was only coined in 1869 so it isn't a sin

  4. Look you fundamentalist retards Don't shove your c**p down peoples throats g**s are g**s thats the way they are born so let go. You cant tell a strait guy or girl to turn g*y and you cant tell a g*y guy or girl to turn strait.

    The bible was written by man and many books were left out. The Catholic Bible has more books than the Protestant Bible, One says You shall not kill the other you shall not murder. Written by man! The only judge is God and God him self so stop worrying about who's g*y and who's not, Who goes to heaven and who goes to h**l. Your pastor, you and your whole "Church and brothers in Christ" have no say. So shut up man

  5. Maybe because they aren't as hateful as some other people.  

    We get it, you hate g*y people.  Do you also hate divorced people, adulterers, those who wear blended fabrics, liars, bratty children, women who aren't virgins on their wedding night  (whom the Bible says should be killed) and every other person the Bible says is a "sinner".  Or is it just g*y people you're on a crusade against?  

  6. Because homosexuals are not required to be atheists.

  7. how can i put this ... god never said it ! it is ok to do be the bible has been written and rewritten so many times and none are written by god they are written by men as for the bible itself it contradicts its self oh god is about love and caring but if you do this where gonna kill you ... yeah and isn't it 1 of the 10 commandment's to not kill? see how that works the bible itself is messed up and it has been used in times past to manipulate people

  8. Because BEING g*y is not a sin. Acting on those impulses is. g*y people are not walking sins.

  9. Odd that you ask this. Odd because you follow a religion where the man Jesus had no intimate relation with any women.  

  10. It is the love of sin that drive men to change the statutes of God under the banner of interpretation.

    Yet, you are correct. God hates the sin of homosexuality. He does though love the sinner. And that includes all who sin.

    For all men sin and fall short of the glory of God.

    So regardless of what men say, or how they interpret it, it is God's interpretation that matters. And he reveals that truth to all who believe.

    John 7: 17 If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself. 18 He that speaks of himself seeks his own glory: but he that seeks his glory that sent him, the same is true, and no unrighteousness is in him.

    Acts 5:39 But if it be of God, you cannot overthrow it; lest haply you be found even to fight against God.

  11. Because aside from Leviticus (where it also forbids you to wear more than one type of fabric), the only mention of homosexuality is translated from words that never meant homosexuality in the first place. So generally it just shows your translators were a bunch of homophobes and that you guys are really freaking gullible.

    EDIT: Given that you guys point to mistranslations when we show up the inconsistencies and contradictions of the bible, you've got a cheek to talk.

  12. Yes. Fairies are all make believe. Some people make believe a benevolent fairy, others a violent and hateful fairy.

  13. for the same reason that some people think it is ok for a woman to preach or speak in church. in order words, if the entire mainstream church is compromising , holiness becomes  free for all .  everyone decides how to be holy  their own way.

  14. All the world's religions condemn homosexuality, not just Christianity

    "the funny thing is. i don't believe in god or the bible. but i know what is in the bible cuz i was forced to read it."

    So we get to the real heart of the matter. It's all about you and your strict upbringing. I'm sorry mom and dad did a number on you but since you're a grown up now, why not get over it, move on, get some counseling if you have to and stop projecting?

  15. No it isn't but:

    Joh:8:7: So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

  16. MY Bible says that it's also an abomination to wear 2 types of fabric in one piece of clothing and to eat shellfish.

    Nice cherrypicking there, sparky.

  17. Many believe in God but their sins are not out there for all to see, they are hidden.  We do not like, in most cases to publicize our sins, but that is exactly what Satan want, to abandon and expose us if he can.

  18. 1 - God claims to love everybody.

    2 - Believers claim that God created everyone.

    3 - Presumably, if homosexuals are created by God, then God meant them to be homosexual.  Denying that would be denying God's purpose.

    I don't believe in God, but if you truly do, I don't see how you can claim that God is not ok with homosexuality.

  19. Because it is ok to be g*y.

  20. Hey, believe it or not, there are thousands of gods and thousands of religions--yours is just one in a sea of belief systems. There are people who are Christian and g*y. If they're happy with that, more power to them. But I personally cannot understand how any q***r person can be a Christian--the religion seems so full of hate.

  21. There are g*y Christians, and you're just going to have to get over it. Not everyone has to think like you do.

    And there's nothing wrong with homosexuality.

    Edit: Please tell me you don't think homosexuals should be killed. That would just be disturbing.

  22. Because God said it was okay. It's in the Book Of Steve that the early Christians didn't want included in the bible.

  23. 1) Your reasoning is as fallible as your grammar.  "that" is used ONLY with inanimate objects.  It is 'anyone WHO claims.....

    2) You are confusing the TRUE GOD OF CREATION with the monstrous god of the Old Testament who delighted in KILLING and KILLING and KILLING anyone who did not slobber all over his CLAY feet.

    3)  How can anyone who believes in the phony god of the Old Testament eat SHRIMP.....or wear clothing woven of two different materials...And why aren't you out killing witches, and pagans, and Sabbath breakers....and adulterers like those great GOD BELIEVING ADULTERERS Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Baker, Ted Haggard????

    4)  Your god also said that the unborn fetuses of pagan women should be ripped from the womb and dashed against the rocks.  Have you ripped open any wombs lately???????

    5) Do you ever really READ your bible.....NO where does it say anything about BEING g*y. It only condems SAME s*x, whether it is g*y s*x, or heterosexual RAPE of other men. And it gives it no more importance than THEFT or DRUNKENESS!!!

    6)  What are you.....12?  

  24. You're right of course, but perhaps there's a larger issue here Mike.

    Many of us claim and say we "believe" in God.  Are we willing to live like we mean it?

    Homosexuality is just one sin among many.  We all sin.

    Thankfully, there is a way out in Christ.

  25. don't get it twisted if anyone is g*y they're obviously not christian, and that does not mean God hates a g*y person either, go on indulge you all self in your twisted pleasure just leave God out of it

  26. The same way Christians go to Wal-Mart and buy products made by children for 10 cent a day or from Corporations that have move off American land so they don't have to pay taxes and have environmental standards. It's want is good for you and your closed minded thinking of how things should be.I me me I.

  27. g*y people don't have to believe in your God, they can believe in another God. You are a close minded fool.

    Straight Deist American. No religion.

  28. i know huh, they think its ok, but its an abomination and God said they are not going to inherit the kingdom of God

    What! Do YOU not know that unrighteous persons will not inherit God’s kingdom? Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, NOR MEN WHO LIE WITH MEN, 10 nor thieves, nor greedy persons, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit God’s kingdom

  29. Come out of the closet, homophobe.  

  30. who r u to judge?  The Bible was written by man, not God.  They used this to make ppl conform out of fear plain and simple

  31. why would beliving in God prohibit thinking its ok to be g*y?

    yes, strictly speaking, God commanded against the ACT of homosexual male intercourse.

    it says you shouldn't. do that.

    did you know that it uses the same term of wrong-ness for eating shrimp and lobster?

    so in essence, one could equally say:

    "How could anyone that claims to believe in God actually think its ok to eat shrimp? (or crab, or lobsters)

    did YOU chose your sexual orientation? be honest. I mean, did you chose, to be heterosexual? when?

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