
How could climate change could affect human life ?give examples?

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How could climate change could affect human life ?give examples?




  1. Withering of food and water supplies...  The malnutrition and starvation in this world will increase severely.

  2. warm = glaciers melt = high seas = underwater cities

    also, grasslands become deserts, droughts and extreme storms destruction, extinction of animals

  3. Instead of being -40 in antarctica, it would be -39.


  4. The biggest issue may be that the outlook for agriculture and water supplies is not promising.  In the Colorado River Basin the major reservoirs may become drawn down to the point of being unusable as soon as 2021.  That's pretty huge for people from Wyoming to New Mexico to California.

    Steven Chu, a Nobel laureate and the director of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, one of the United States government’s pre-eminent research facilities, remarked that diminished supplies of fresh water might prove a far more serious problem than slowly rising seas.

    Chu noted that even the most optimistic climate models for the second half of this century suggest that 30 to 70 percent of the snowpack will disappear. “There’s a two-thirds chance there will be a disaster,” Chu said, “and that’s in the best scenario.”

  5. Clamate change is cause by global warming, this is caused by aerosol cans (example:- hair spray), exhaust from cars, and smOKE FROM FACTORIES. Which the ozone layer is being distroyed by this. the ozone layer filters the sun light rays so that we dont get direct heat from the sun

  6. turn on national geographic channel

  7. "So we don't get direct heat from the sun???"  I haven't seen the sun for months.  I believe the earth changes naturally in all ways, and humans have very little to do with it.  We have seen changes take place for thousands of years even before cars, factories, spray paints etc. were invented.  When you hear about these drastic changes, it's called scare tactics in order to control people with fear so that someone can profit.  You can bet on that.  Look at the financial gain for someone to be able to put into law all the things it will take to clean up the planet.  You  may not like my answer, but it's my opinion.  Maybe the biggest problem we have on earth is population and we should start doing something there.  Would that make all of you global warming worriers all fuzzy like the thought of taking someones medication away because it harms the ozone?  Tell me why China can have the very medication that was taken away from us in the USA.

  8. Here are a few possible effects from global warming:

    Some places may recieve more precipitation, some may recieve less.  Deserts will expand and drought will grow.  For each 1 degree C rise in the earth's average temperature, climate belts in middle latitude regions would shift toward the earth's poles by 100-150 kilometers.  Many species would go extinct.  Some places will suffer from prolonged heat waves and droughts and incresed flooding from prolonged precipitation.  Global warming may cause increased frequency of typhoons, hurricanes, and other violent storms.  Higher temperatures will cause an increase in death and illness, especially for those who cannot afford air conditioning.  The could be an increase in malaria caused by an increase in the area that mosquitos can live in.

  9. it seems like up here in Massachusetts the weather isnt's more sporadic.  3 weeks ago it was 60 degrees (UNUSUAL!) and 3 days ago it was snowing then raining then snowing...

    so maybe it would suggest a feeling of uncertainty/insecurity among americans. or make weather forecasting harder/impossible.

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