
How could i become a professional tennis player?

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I'm 14 and many people told me that i should have started when i was 3 or 4 years and it is somehow too late now. But i really wanna become a professional player like Maria Sharapova and take parts in tournaments or even take part in the olympics. I'm entering college next year and i'll join the tennis club there.




  1. That's one of the most common questions kids ask here, mostly when they have no tennis experience at all. The kids that have been playing competitively since they were young (5-6), usually know what kinds of odds they are up against.  Its a beautiful dream, and you should never lose hope, but you need to just play tennis for the love of the game.  Training to become pro takes a lot of money, talent, and luck. Good luck, and just have fun.  The money and fame may not be worth more than the health and fun that you may get from simply playing the game.  

  2. if you have natural talent and you practice hard you can definetly become pro...just try to get some scouts to come see you.

  3. how are you going to college, yet your only 14?

  4. I have to be honest, 14 is late to take up the game if you want to be Pro.

    However, if you show an aptitude for the sport and was able to get enough "quality" practise time organised you could work your way up playing tournaments along the way and above all - having fun!

    You need to get a good coach (not always the best player!), and organise practise sessions etc. at a level that is a challenge for you at your present standard.  This will bring you up to scratch much quicker than if you play with people who are worse than you are too often.

    As a coach myself I have seen plenty of players of all ages enter the game and progress at different rates - this gives me a good "shout" about your situation.

    You can get lots of good tennis information at

    I hope this helps.

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