
How could i get my principal to let me homeschool????

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i want to home school but my prinicipal wont let me. i am sick and tired of going to school and i'd rather do all the work at home if i had too. how could i talk her into letting me homeschool????




  1. get your parents

  2. no no no don't get homeschooled then you won't have no socail life and you will miss all the good stuff at school. don't do this.

  3. it's not up to your principal. she doesnt have the right to stop you. contact your local home school programs in your area. look in the phone book under homeschool or charter schools or private schools, which usually have homeschool programs. find the one that fits you and transfer schools. talk to the counseler, theyll help you transfer. (quitting the  public school is SO fun) you get to walk around and get all your teachers to sign a slip w/ your grades and then give beack your books and hahaha so long!

  4. Principals don't control you.

  5. you wouldnt like to be homed tutered you will never make any friends, and its not up to your principal you can leave if you want it's not her chose, you have to persrade you parents

  6. its not her choice it your parents choice so try talking to your parents and see what they think

  7. You don't have to get your principal to let you homeschool. It's not her decision, it's your parents' decision...and ONLY your parents' decision whether you homeschool or not. Your family does not need a lawyer - a school principal can not stop you from homeschooling and, when she tells you otherwise, she is just bluffing (she'll lose money if you switch to homeschooling, that is the sole reason why she wants to keep you in school).

  8. It's not up to your principal. That is your parents' decision.

  9. The request to home school has to come from your parents. They are the ones responsible for the required activities. If your parents are willing to do this, the principal will have nothing to say about it. But it's a lot of work on their part.

  10. get a lawyer

  11. Ok here is the lowdown, your Principal has NO SAY in you being homeschooled or not. While the State you live in can require certain things, most are REALLY leniant ( Alabama requires a Umbrella School; PA after a certain grade requires certification or a waiver).

    Just type your State name followed by homeschool laws in the google bar. You can also go to for a basic overview.

    Once you know what is required, your parents simply give a LETTER OF INTENT to the local School Board (not your school or your Principal) and WITHDRAW you from school. Should your Principal try to interfere, you can report him/her to the School Board and Local Authorities and if your parents join the HSLDA, they can call them and THEY will put a stop to it.

    You do not have to wait til a certain time of year to homeschool, you can start at ANY time...but once you start, keep at it and don't bounce back and forth between PS and homeschool as it will only cause problems.

    I hope that helps you some. Good luck.

  12. It is none of  your principal's business.  Don't even discuss it with her. She doesn't have the authority to say yes or no.  It's up to Mom and Dad.

  13. if you be bad thay will home school you


  14. The principal has nothing to do with allowing or not allowing you to homeschool.

  15. Your principal has no say in the matter, your parents have to make that decision.  If you are an older student, you might be able to be active in the decision with them.  Check your state's requirements for homeschooling at  and see what legally is required, then talk to your parents about why you want to homeschool and see if they are willing.  In some states your superintendent will be responsible for approval, but it will not be his decision either.  It has to be a family decision.

  16. It sounds like what you're asking your principal to allow is home-bound study. For that yes, you'll usually need the permission of the school administration to do home-bound PS study (permitted for reasons such as medical conditions, etc.)

    Homeschooling on the other hand requires no consent from the school administraion or board. You will need to find out the laws regard homeschooling in your state:

    in order to start. The laws regarding homeschooling in every state are different but it is legal to homeschool everywhere in the US. You and your parents will also need to discuss schedules, curricula, transcripts, etc. It will require some work and a lot of thought.

    There are many local homeschool groups that can give you support, answer questions, provide activities, etc. Simply type 'your state homeschooling' into any search engine to get an idea of whats nearby and fits your needs.

    There are many types of curricula to choose from as well - from online correspondence courses to self made ones. Figure out what courses/subjects you need to complete your education and what type of program would best suit your needs (are you pretty self led or do you require more help? Do you work better with a pen and paper or a keyboard and mouse?).

    Admission to college after homeschooling is becoming easier and easier - most colleges are now actively recruiting homeschoolers. Keep an acurate record of the subjects you complete, perform well on your SAT and/or ACT and you'll have plenty of schools to choose from.

    Present your research to your parents in a well-written, well-thought out manner (if they're not already on board) to show that you're commited to the idea and you're willing to work hard to accomplish this. With you and your parents working together it'll be a piece of cake! Best of luck to you!

  17. you either need to be a severe trouble maker or need to be actually sick. When i mean sick i dont mean being to lazy to want to go either i mean where you are physical/mentally sick and can not attend which your doctor will send a notice to your school and your school will then have to actually send a homeschool teacher to your house at which ever time you prefer.

  18. Big mistake to ask your principal to let you homeschool.  It is legal in all 50 states to homeschool and of course, because of you attending a public school it means that your principal gets a certain amount of money depending on how many kids he has attending his school.  

    To homeschool you will need your parent to get you out of school. is where you can find the laws for homeschooling in your state.  You parents will have to follow these laws so that you can homeschool.  Some states require certain things, but others not require much.

  19. I'm not sure that your principal has a say in the matter.  That is up to your parents.

  20. It's not up to you OR your principal - it's up to your parents.  They have to sign a legal, binding document stating that they will tutor you at home.  You'll have to go to an actual school or college to be tested frequently, so that you're assured an adequate education.

  21. you don't need your principal's permission, he has no say in the matter.

    check HSDLA for your state's requirements, but don't get caught up in their hype and scare tactics.

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