
How could i get supernatural/paranormal powers without turning evil?

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I just want to know because I think it would be cool to be able to control objects with your mind and stuff like that. BUT I WON'T TURN EVIL FOR IT!!!!

Any suggestions?




  1. meditation

  2. How many times do people need to be told - witchcraft, magick, and other occult systems are philosophical and spiritual practices for personal grown, not a means to gain superpowers.  Sorry to be the one to break it to you, but you really could have figured it out for yourself - how many people have you met with real, _verifiable_ "supernatural/paranormal powers?"

  3. I really doubt you can,evil or not.The question is why would you think you could?

  4. I'm sorry, but being evil is part of the package. Evil people have all the best powers.

    Seriously, though -- nobody has supernatural powers, evil or otherwise. Many people claim to have them, some people even believe they have them, but all of them fail without exception when asked to demonstrate them. The only evil people here are those who claim to have supernatural powers and who use their phony claims to fleece gullible and/or grieving people out of their money.

  5. This is true. ---probally you cant shoot lasers are watever a super hero does but...if you believe then you may be able to do pretty weird stuff xD  Lots of people think supernatural as lasers and moving things with you mind but.....there is such thing as becoming super strong but only one problem xD  it's gonna hurt real bad like how i did it xD  Soon you can break bricks and learn how to get lighter in weight and u can jump higher and do lots of thing normal people cant do. Its call martial arts and believing and training.

  6. Supernatural powers (telekenesis, telepathy, empathy, among others) are not inherently evil. The feeling one gets when using said powers can become psychologically destructive, and the person loses all knowledge of right and wrong or just doesn't care anymore. Why bother having a conscience when you can control people thoughts, feelings and actions? That's how you get evil, or the powers associated with the person are termed "evil". The powers themselves are not. It depends on the user.

    Having said that, one of the best ways to get them is to be born with them and develop them over time. Otherwise, meditation and mainly the belief you can do them. Remember, any and all things are possible with faith, trust in yourself, and luck.

    Hope that helps. Stay frosty.

  7. While sitting in your mothers basement (where I assume you live, as most losers live in their parents basement) cover yourself with f***s and castor oil. Evil hates the smell of castor oil,and the f***s... just because you're an idiot.

  8. To quote Jiminy Cricket:

    "Always let your conscience be your guide."

  9. well the way i obtained my powers was from a lightening strike when i was in my outdoor radioactive liquid jacuzi reading an ancient book i dug up in the himalayan mountains

  10. All the x-men were born with thier powers, and they manifested at puberty. It can be a scary thing to be 14 and have your hands light on fire, or your eyes to start shooting out lasars. Be careful what you wish for.

    However, if you do manifest such powers, make sure to contact marvel comics immediately, before the evil brotherhood of mutants gets thier hands on you.

  11. Hmmm...let's see.

    Get bitten by a radioactive spider.

    Flee Earth's imminent destruction, land on a distant planet with a white sun.

    Find an ancient artifact created by an ancient deity or alien race.

    Just a few suggestions.

  12. The mere fact that you believe such powers exist shows some kind of evilness, in the sense of being on the wrong side of rationality.

    There is NO SUCH THING as supernatural or paranormal powers. Get over it.

  13. Well, it is debatable if people really can do that. There is not one documented case of such. Besides it is not evil if it exists. But like anything else it could be used for evil purposes.

  14. Yes. Stop asking the question.

  15. Are you serious? People can't do that in the real world.

  16. if you had to decide between putting your hands in fire,or water,what will you do?,so ,you are the one who has to consider that,in other words it your decision...

  17. first you need to control your feelings and other aspects as human beings.second you need to acknowledge GOD in every thing you do,third you need to practice the faith in GOD by trusting HIM always and so on......this will require discipline in any aspects of life as a human cause dealing with powers is learning to deal with natural forces and you need to consult the CREATOR the GOD if HE allows you to have one of this power!

  18. (sigh) okay.  look, just don't get into this voo-doo, psycic thing.  Sure, it might be cool.  But just start to look for something else besides "special powers" okay?  It's not a good idea.  Magic, voo-doo is evil, and psycic powers would be just the same if they exist.  They might, I'm just not sure.

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