
How could i improve my shooting?

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I'm trying so hard but i still don't know a proper way to shoot or any drills.




  1. Just watch, this kid's going to be in the newspaper in a few days, just a few bodies shy of Cho's high score.

  2. square up to the target, head up and eyes on target, use your legs, keep your elbow tucked in, shoot, and follow through as if you're reaching into a high cookie jar.  

  3. Keep your shooting hand close to your body. Release the ball with a spinning movement from your fingers(Index or middle). If you are shooting within the field inside 3 point line make the ball move go as high as the small box's top line on the board. If a 3 pointer shoot as high as the backboard's top.

    Drills: shooting from the different spots of the zone.

    Try counting how many points you shoot in 1 minute and try to increase your score.

    always shoot close to the board first and then slowly move away.That's how i do it. And remember practice makes perfect.

  4. start off with board shots. i know its gonna be boring and kiddish, but still do it and with the right posture., then move a bit away from the ring, and try getting the shot. mostly on the 2 pointer line. u have to continue try shooting from the 2 pointer line until u get atleast 8 shots of 10, (on an average) i mean dont just stand in front of the ring, shot from diff angles, this is known as drills.

    finally, u have to get to shoot from the 3 pointer line also. but try that only after u are perfect shooting from inside the field. concentrate on the power with which u r releasing the ball. and ur posture is d**n important. coz u may get a shot anyway, but in a match, ur posture matters a lot.

    all the best

  5. find ur comfortable shooting stance..of course use ur legs and arms to push ur shots..but this is what i really do..i first shoot near the basket then set a no.of consecutive shot u need to accomplished then increase the distance upon making those shot until u reach 3 point line..of course repetition is the key..


  7. take your time and just repeat.

  8. It's all about practice man. You need to MAKE at least 50 shots a day in order to improve your shooting. You need to work hard in order to be a better shooter. You won't get better by just sitting around and reading stuff dude. It's all about practice. If you're serious about your training then by one of these from a local sporting goods store. It's a smaller rim that clips on to your regular size rim. You have to get the ball through the smaller rim. And once you can do this on a regular basis, take the small rim of and shooting the ball on the regular size rim will be a piece of cake.

    This product really helped my shot. If you can't buy this then just keep shooting. Keep one hand under the ball and one hand on the side. Straighten out your elbow going straight up and flick your wrist towards the rim. Make sure to keep your left hand on the side to keep the ball steady. Before you shot, imagine the ball going in. It helps you focus. Make sure your knees are bent and when releasing the ball straighten them out and your elbow at the same time and flick.

  9. It is ALL about consistency, you need to get the same stance, same pose same hand and arm movements possible.

    practice your shot just against a wall until your movement is perfect

  10. You do not need to make 50 shots a day.

    If you really want to be a good shooter you need to TAKE 300-500 shots a day. At least. If you really want to improve. How many shots do you think pros take in the off season that want to improve? Thousands.

    How many shots do you think guys in college and guys in high school take that want to get better. Hundreds a day if not thousands.

    Someone in the middle there posted good advice about squaring up, follow through and refernced a cookie jar.

    Muscle memory and practice. Also your mentality is HUGE.

    You can't tell yourself you suck or that you are not getting better. You have to really believe that you can make every shot and that you are getting better. The mental aspect is just as important if not more important than the technique itself.

    Also take moving jump shots. Don't become a spot up shooter only.

    Start slow, make sure you have your mechanics right first then you can speed things up. Speed with come with time.

    Also last but probably most important.

    Do not think about what you are doing.

    I know it contradicts everything else about learning how to shoot but once you start thinking about what you are doing you are more likely to miss.

    When guys get in the "zone" do you think they are thinking about what they are doing? No they are just shooting out of their minds.

  11. Maybe dis mite help. Visual

  12. you can star off bout 3 feet away form the basket and shoot 50 hots with right hand only and then 50 shots with left and only, and then do 100 lay-ups both side and then when u feel more confident then try shooting medium range shots. after abotu 1 week you will imrpove i can promise.

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