
How could i make a water balloon fight fun-er ?

by  |  earlier

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we have already have water but we want to make it kinda nasty with different things besides water so what do you think ? please help we are trying to beat the boys ! =]]] well to get them back for all they do to us there like your brothers and it's time to get them back




  1. chocolate pudding would be highlarious.  imagine them pelting you with water balloons then all the sudden they find themselves coverd in pudding! oh man.

      hide ballons all around wherever your doing it so in case you run out you can run to your nearest hiding spot and get some more.

    get one of those water ballon sling shot things, so you can hit them from all the way across the yard!

  2. Use paint it will never come off their clothing IF THEIR WEARING SOMETHING NICE USE PAINT DYE TO MAKE THEM REALLY NEVER GET OVER IT. sorry but this answer if from a boy sorry or a guy thing you could do is a bit digesting but think in the wrong direction ... does it have to be health or mainly humiliating like if and only if you really wanna make them mad<seamen> and really cut down their manhood. OH yeah pen ink red if you choose or highlighter fluid "OVER KILL" one for the recorded would be to get some Road kill aka dead things in a blender and mix up with pee, waste rotten food , like a stink bomb

  3. Whipped cream or shaving cream.

  4. fill them with chocolate syrup or honey. hahahh something that they will think is water.. but isnt.. if u want to get them you could fill the balloons up with water from your toilet. hahah . or fill them with jelly hahah... theres just a few ideas... ohhh or you could fill them part of the way with water.. and then crack a few raw eggs in each one.. eww.. that would freak me out.. hahah .. GOOD LUCK..

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