
How could i make friends in my new town and school?

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well ive always had the worst friends well my use to be friends just brag all the time! i could just cry well i did probably cried then so plz help me like i will chose you as a good friend like i will you will i lot a of help for real and my old friend bossed me around and sorry for my spelling




  1. join a lot of clubs and teams.. you'll eventually find some.

  2. BE YOURSELF! You can definitely make friends by just being YOU!

  3. The best way to make friends is to introduce ur self to someone you think you could get along with.

    If your in high school, join different clubs that your interested.

    Just talk to people. Dont be shy. =]

    && be yourself.

    Good luck!  

  4. next time reread your statements and maybe someone could understand what you are really talking bout.  If someone has to boss you around then how is that a friend?  They are just using you to make themselves look good for what purpose and at the end you are the one suffering.  Just next time choose your friends as is who has the best interest with you not someone who is trying to control you that is what you have parents for.

  5. I've moved schools many times.

    I had to start my new school as a senior. O_o

    It's not easy, but the best thing you can do is just put yourself out there. Join some clubs, play some sports, introduce yourself to the people sitting around you. If you're really shy, think of some conversation starters. Maybe ask where your next class is, what's good for lunch, etc. Once people realize you're new, they'll be glad to be your friend. But don't put yourself out there completely until you know if they are 'good people' in general.

    Good Luck!

    and Smile! :)

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