
How could i reach someone when all the informations i know about she is the first name,country,time of flight?

by  |  earlier

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know that this sounds stupid,but here is the story

i meat a girl on the beach ,she was the most beautiful girl i have ever seen in my hole life,she is from another country,my bad luck was that this day was her last day in my country and her flight back home was after 6 hours ,i dont know way didnt i asked her about her number ,may be because i am the most stupid person in the world.anyway ,we just talked for a while and she left ,i felt a very strange feeling that i really want to see her again. and every day this feeling grow stronger ,i dont know why ,i am normaly a man who dont even believe in love .so how could i reach someone when all the informations i know about she is the first name,country,time of flight back home??????????




  1. Usually, airlines run the same flights to the same destinations in a repetitive fashion.  So, go to the airport on the same day of the week that she departed and check the departure boards for flights leaving for her country at the same time of day.

    Once you have found the airlines and the flight number, ask someone who works at that airline company if you can see a roster of names of people who used that specific flight on that specific day.  Ask for only the names; no other personal information.  You will be able to find someone who can provide that information for a nominal fee.

    Then, the real detective work can begin.

  2. Ask the red cross to help!

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