
How could my mother that i don't like her decision?

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my mom is transferring to another religion. but that religion has a lot of do and don'ts... how could i tell her?




  1. It is her decision so she should be left to decide.

  2. It's her choice.

  3. Don't tell her.  But, ask her why she is making the decision she is making.  This way, you will not engage in an "I'm right, you're wrong" discussion.  

    As much as I desire to see people come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior, I find that approaching with respect and listening to what people have to say about why they do what they do opens a better dialog.  This way, a door can be opened for me to express my side of things.  Often, we have to earn the right to speak certain things to people.

    It also depends on the particular religion.  If she is getting into something which has a "do as I say" requirement from the leadership, then her born free will is in jeopardy.  If she is getting involved in something which may be dangerous to her, that could be worse.  In either of these cases, a respectful approach is still highly suggested, but also clearly communicating your concern for her well being.

  4. Don't

    Accept the fact that she is converting to a different religion. Trying t stop some one from converting is a rude thing to do, she is obviously old enough to make her own religious decisions so let her do what she needs to do. If it's different then yours big deal, let her be different.  

  5. I wouldn't worry about it especially if it makes your mom happy. Why don't you talk to her about the religion and why she is converting? Maybe hearing her perspective and more information about the religion would make you understand and be more accepting.  

  6. As long as she is not forcing you to go with her (not sure of your age) there's nothing you can do.  It may be that after she goes she will see what you do and change her mind.  If not, respect her decision - it's hers to make.

  7. Anytime that you are following a list of rules,except for the 10 commandments-then you are following a mans opinion of what is best for your life. We see a lot of these guys in the news, and they have brought a shame to the christian church. If you serve a man on this earth, then he is very capable of leading you down the wrong path. This is why there is a bible. If what the pastor says, follows along with what the bible says, then you have a good pastor. If she is looking for God, then she just has to ask for his son to forgive her of her sins. If she follows a man who is just as screwed up as she is (or worse), then she could really get herself into a bad situation. I urge you to talk to your mom, in love. She is your mom, and will more than likely listen to you, when she wouldn't listen to anyone else. Just remind her that Jesus died for her sins, what has the priest or pastor or rabbi or monk done for her sins?

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